Best Ways to Remove odor from car


Use charcoal

The natural toxin absorber used in water filters can also filter the air. Using charcoal to remove the stink from your car is pretty simple. All you need to do is leave an open bag filled with charcoal briquettes in the car for 12 hours. The extremely porous activated charcoal absorbs almost anything that’s floating in the air. This also costs nothing because the charcoal doesn’t get used up in the process. 

Written by Carey Mills
7 months ago

Wash Car Mats

You may not realize that you stepped in puddle or dog poop and then soiled the car’s mats. This could be one of the reasons for the odor. To get rid of the odor, identify where the odor is coming from. Sometimes that car has a weird odor that is a mixture of several bad smells in the car. Cleaning the mats with soap will get rid of some of it.

Take out the mats from your car. Place them on the floor and using a water pipe or hose spread water on them. If the dirt is sticking onto the mats, use some detergent and a brush to clean the mats. Hang them in sun to dry them. 

Written by Gwendolyn Walter
1 year ago

Vacuum the Car Seats

Most odors in your car are trapped inside the fabric of your car. Vacuum cleaning the car sucks out the smell and a lot of dust from the fabric. Use the vacuum to collect the bits of food lying around the car. Such up as much debris as you can. Empty the vacuum cleaner to increase its power and make room for collecting dust. If you rarely open the car’s windows and doors, keep them open to let the odors get out. 

Vacuum the Car Seats

Written by Stan Jones
5 months ago

Wash the Seat covers

If the seat covers of your car are made of fabric then you should consider washing them if they are removable and washable. Most smells are trapped in the topmost layers of fabric. Washing the fabric should help eliminate the odors. 

Written by Thomas Cole
1 year ago

Carpet cleaners

All car spills will ultimately crawl down to the carpet. If you solve the root cause of the odor, you’ll fix the whole problem.

Visit your local department store and buy a carpet cleaner that’s intended specifically for carpets in the car. Be sure to follow the instructions on the pack so you don’t end up wasting any of the product.

Carpet cleaners

Written by Elsie Sellers
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Remove Odor from Car?

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