Best Ways to Get a good start in Satisfactory


Connect power generators through power poles

I get it, providing power for your factory not as exciting as building it. However, it won’t be long before you learn that you need a truckload of power.

Many people might not know this (or they might), but you can increase your power grid’s total capacity by connecting the power generators through power poles. Basically, all of your power sources must be connected somehow through power poles. 

You might argue that I can always split the power evenly between sources that are not connected. True! But tracking becomes far easier when you keep your entire system connected.

Written by Luis Crawford
12 months ago

Search for coal ASAP

You don’t need to obsess about renewable energy in the game just yet, so go right ahead and burn all the coal you can get your hands on.

Until you get equipped with the coal generator, getting upgrades is critical to getting a good start in Satisfactory. Yes, you can always craft biomass, but it is so much better with coal because it can be fully automated.

Upgrading to coal power saves you a ton of time because you won’t have to keep looking for leaves for making biomass. This saved-up time in the early game enables you to create and discover new things.

Written by Addie Watkins
4 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Get a Good Start In Satisfactory?

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