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Russell Holland

Zumba on Youtube

In the time of covid-19, gym sounds like a risky idea. Zumba works for me. I usually pick a “Zumba for beginners” video on YouTube and match their steps. It is fun, refreshing, and helps in toning my body.

Zumba on Youtube

Get out of bed

We are all guilty of trying to stay awake while simultaneously being in bed. I can’t even begin to count the amount of times I’ve been working from my bed and start dozing off. Mentally, you associate your bed with sleep and rest. Whenever you sit in bed, your body begins to unwind and relax. When you’re trying to stay alert, get out of bed and find a good environment for the activity you’re trying to accomplish.

Go for a walk

Stretching your legs and getting some fresh air can usually help if you're feeling a little burnt out. Leave your phone at home, or just have it on silent, and take some time to explore your neighborhood. Pop in some earbuds and play some relaxing music if you'd like, and step out the door. You might find your new favorite coffee shop, or a florist you never knew was there. No need to set a goal of any kind, just let yourself amble and see what kind of interesting things you can find.

Using Baby Sponge

The baby sponge can help you exfoliate your face gently every day. Dip the baby sponge in lukewarm water to soften it. To exfoliate your facial skin, add a few drops of your favorite facial wash onto the baby sponge and lather. Rub the baby sponge on your face gently. Get the most neglected spots such as the nose, chin, and sides of the face.

Gently rub for a minute or two and then wash with lukewarm water, followed by cold water. The cold water helps close skin pores. 

Cut slowly

Cutting your hair should be a slow process. Don't just start snipping off any old strand! Make sure you are taking your time. Also, try cutting off a little bit of hair at a time. You can always cut off more from your length to get to your desired style. However, if you cut too fast and accidentally go an inch too short, there's not adding that hair back. Start by cutting off a small amount and working your way upwards.

More Fiber

Fibrous foods give volume to the stool and avoid constipation. If you are constipated, there is a high chance you haven’t been consuming a lot of fiber lately. Oats, barley, fibrous vegetables, and citrus fruits can help with constipation. Eating more food can also help you defecate by increasing the mass of feces. If you are dehydrated, drink a glass of water to trigger the bowel movement. More food and water can help move things along the way in your intestines.

More Fiber 

Slow and steady earning

Generally, riskier investments fetch higher-returns (provided things go your way) and can double your money faster. However, it’s best not to take on excessive risk, especially if you’re not an expert. The best way, then, to earn decent returns is through a well-diversified portfolio that comprises blue-chip stocks and investment-grade bonds, among other things. To calculate how long it will take to double your investment, use the rule of 72.

What’s the rule of 72?

Well, when you divide 72 by an expected annual rate of return – it gives you the number of years it will take to double your money. Let’s assume you have a portfolio that consists of stocks and bonds in equal weightage. You expect the stock to return 10% and the bond to return 6%. Your annual expected rate of return then becomes 8% (a simple average). In this case, it will take 9 years (72/8) to double your money, and 18 to quadruple it.

Give the Audience a Contrast Situation

If you want your audience to clearly distinguish something at the end of the speech, you should go for a contrast situation. Tell them you can’t eat your cake and have it too.

For example, if you are teaching a personal finance lesson, tell them they cannot go out buying a new iPhone every time they launch one. Make it clear to them that they can either save money or spend money.

Give the Audience a Contrast Situation

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