If you’d like to date them, let them know that you are interested in dating them. Don’t waste their time and your time. Be clear about what you are planning to do and send them a message that clearly says that. If you would want to go on a date with them, tell them; “Just so you know, if you’d ask me out on a date, I would say Yes”.
Complimenting is not about flattering them. If you have grown to like this person, find out what’s attracting you to them. Compliment their eyes/ tattoo/hair or whatever you think is attractive. Don’t compliment about everything. Compliments are generally considered nice and can get them to think about you and look at your profile. Don’t offend them, if they feel offended, apologize to them
You don’t need an extraordinary photo to get them to like you. To show them that you have a simple human life, send them a picture of you, your friends, your dog, or even a messy study room that you are cleaning to add more emotion to your conversation. This can also help them build trust and get them to like you. If the person you talk to loves dogs, send them interesting pictures of your dog more often.
If you want to approach someone, you must have something to talk about. It is impossible to find a date if you only know how to say, ‘Hi, you are cute’. Instead of starting the chat with, ‘what’s up?’, ask an interesting question or make a compliment.
Another tip is to don’t start with jokes. Some jokes might sound rude and they are not the way to approach someone if you are looking for a serious relationship.
When you are into someone, you might think about them all day and send them texts every 20 minutes. However, this is not a great idea because you might appear too energy-draining and needy to them. Talk to them once or twice a day and don’t share every small day. Offer to meet them in person. If they live away plan to visit them.