Best Ways to Prevent hair loss


Try laser comb

Laser combs are FDA-approved and cause a significant increase in hair density after 26 weeks. You have to apply the laser comb to your scalp 3 times a week. I still did not understand how laser combs work but I have seen a significant increase in hair regrowth since my husband started using it. It has been a year now, so I guess it’s a long-term strategy to prevent hair loss.

If you are scared of the laser here, I suggest you use low-power laser combs. They have an anti-oxidant effect on hair follicles which accelerates hair growth. Try laser comb

Written by Mathew Schneider
11 months ago

Take prescription medicines

So far, we have two clinically approved drug for hair loss prevention- minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil works by increasing blood flow. This takes the necessary nutrients up to the hair follicles. On the other hand, finasteride inhibits the DHT hormones which shrink the hair follicles.

 Both treatments are great to prevent hair loss and to grow new hair, however, they have side effects. For instance, finasteride decreases libido and causes erectile dysfunction in 1 in 30 men. Minoxidil, on the other hand, causes allergic reactions and allergies in some men. 

Written by Maureen Warren
3 years ago

Avoid hot showers and change your hair products

Hot showers cause severe damage to the scalp. They strip out all the essential oils that are necessary to protect your scalp and accelerate your hair growth. This causes inflammation and dryness which ultimately leads to hair loss.

Moreover, paraben shampoos, styling products, and gels contribute to hair loss as well. The chemicals present in these products stay on the scalp and get trapped on the follicles. This prevents the hair from growing. Try using natural styling gels and paraben-free shampoos. 

Written by Jill Owens
6 days ago

Cut out the chemicals

Hair loss can be attributed to a variety of things, including genetics. However, the use of harsh chemicals can also exacerbate hair loss. If you’re trying to prevent hair loss, stay away from chemical treatments and products. Take a break from coloring and bleaching your hair to give it time to recover from any processing. Keep your natural shade and texture and let your hair grow. In terms of shampoo, a mild cleansing shampoo is the best option for your scalp.

Written by Annie Jensen
4 months ago

Use less heat

Along with staying away from chemical treatments and hair dye, you should limit the amount of heat you use on your hair to prevent hair loss. Using a straightener or curling iron on a daily basis can cause breakage that keeps your hair from growing and causes it to fall out. Instead of using such direct heat, opt for a blowout. Just make sure to use a moderate amount of heat and always keep your blow dryer moving. Don’t let the heat concentrate on one spot.

Written by Rudolph Powers
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Prevent Hair Loss?

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