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Percy Torres


Blanching is a time-tested and super effective way to peel peaches. It doesn't take long, and is way better than mushing up your fresh fruit while trying to peel them.

Simply cut an "X" along the bottom of your peaches, just enough to pierce the skin, and drop them into a pot of boiling water for no more than ten seconds. This loosens the skin from the flesh of the peaches and makes them easier to peel. Take them out and dunk them into a bowl full of ice water. Using your hands, hold the peaches with the "X" up and gently peel away the skin starting from the "X". You should have perfectly peeled, non-smashed peaches in no time.

Claim a home office deduction

If you have a side business at home or if you are self-employed and work from home, then you can opt for a home office deduction. To qualify for this deduction, the home office space must be exclusively and regularly used for business purposes. For example, if an extra bedroom is used as your home office and it constitutes 1/4th of your home, then you can deduct 1/4th of rent and utility fees.

Replace single-use plastic items

The frequent use of plastic items has harmed our environment in ways we can’t imagine. Yes, single-use plastic items are common and convenient to use. But they have a disturbing impact on the earth’s ecology.

Did you know that a single plastic item takes 1000 years to decompose? That’s the reason why I pledged to get rid of some, if not all single-use plastic items. You can replace them with eco-friendly items.

I use a biodegradable toothbrush (made of bamboo) instead of a plastic toothbrush.

Let the light pass through

Whether you prefer artificial light or natural, it is significant to signal your brain and body that the day has started. Ample light in your room in the morning forces your brain to stop making melatonin- a hormone that keeps your regular sleeping pattern in check. If it’s still dark in your country at 5-6 AM, trick your brain by using bright indoor lights. To keep your brain from the thought of taking a nap, keep bright lights turned on at your workplace or the facility. 

Sweat it out

If you live closer to the equator, this shouldn’t take a lot of effort for the most part of the year – but that’s not what we’re talking about here. You need exercise-induced sweat in order to detoxify.

Activities like HIT workouts, jogging, hot yoga, or sauna sessions are all excellent ways to sweat your toxins out. Remember to wipe the sweat away so you don’t end up reabsorbing the toxins, though.

Toys and Stuffed Animals

Hiding a camera in stuffed animals and toys can be a great disguise. No one cares about the toys and notices them either. Toys in a corner of your house simply blend in and don’t attract attention which makes them one of the best places to hide the camera. If you are willing to tear a stuffed toy and place the camera inside, do it. Or you can just position the camera and place the stuffed toys around in such a way that most of the camera’s body is hidden.

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