Best Ways to Record a podcast


Adjust the microphone

Podcast is all about the audio. The richer the audio quality is, the better it sounds. That is why it is always important to equip a high-quality microphone. But it is not the only thing that is important. You will need to properly adjust the microphone. There are certain ways to do that. First thing to do is set it at the same height as your mouth. Then you need to put the pop filter in place. Finally determine the right distance between you and the microphone. That way you will be able to bring rich audio quality in your podcast.

Written by Dan Taylor
4 months ago

Eliminate background noises

All your efforts for bringing rich quality audio will go in vain if you cannot eliminate the background noises. For eliminating background noises, you can create a brief noise profile. Simply record yourself without uttering a single word. By staying silent, you will be able to eliminate all background and distracting noises. You can use that profile on your future podcast. In addition you can record in small rooms with sound absorbing panels. These measurements will be more than enough to eliminate all background noises.

Written by Alexander Cobb
12 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Record a Podcast?

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