Topics tagged hygiene

image for topic 'Treat acne'
Best Ways to

Treat acne

Last answer by Cornelia Ferguson 2 weeks ago:
Improper removal of makeup and leaving on makeup all night can also cause acne. For healthy and glowing skin, it ...
Improper removal of makeup and leaving on makeup all night can also cause acne. For ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Avoid getting sick'
Best Ways to

Avoid getting sick

Last answer by Karen Mason 2 weeks ago:
Smoking can be very dangerous for your health. It weakens your immune system and makes you more vulnerable to infections ...
Smoking can be very dangerous for your health. It weakens your immune system and ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Smell good'
Best Ways to

Smell good

Last answer by Denise Marshall 1 month ago:
Proper application of scent is key to preserving the fragrance for longer. - Spritz some of your favorite perfume ...
Proper application of scent is key to preserving the fragrance for longer. - Spritz ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Clean gym rubber mats'
Best Ways to

Clean gym rubber mats

Last answer by Jody Briggs 2 months ago:
This one sounds like a no-brainer, but it is one of the easiest ways to clean off your rubber gym mats without ...
This one sounds like a no-brainer, but it is one of the easiest ways to clean off ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Remove pubic hair'
Best Ways to

Remove pubic hair

Last answer by Ada Matthews 2 months ago:
Laser hair removal can be done only in-office by a professional. It is permanent and painless but it can be a bit ...
Laser hair removal can be done only in-office by a professional. It is permanent ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Remove blackheads'
Best Ways to

Remove blackheads

Last answer by Guy Dawson 1 month ago:
Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that has exfoliating effects on the skin. It is also great for blackheads removal. ...
Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that has exfoliating effects on the skin. It ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Clean your ears'
Best Ways to

Clean your ears

Last answer by Monique Hernandez 1 month ago:
Clogged ears can be unclogged by unclogging your nasal passageways using nasal decongestants. But be sure to follow ...
Clogged ears can be unclogged by unclogging your nasal passageways using nasal decongestan ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Clean retainers'
Best Ways to

Clean retainers

Last answer by Luther Mitchell 1 month ago:
Removable retainers are easier to clean because you can hold them in your hand and wash them. If you have fixed ...
Removable retainers are easier to clean because you can hold them in your hand and ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Remove ear wax'
Best Ways to

Remove ear wax

Last answer by Justin Burke 5 months ago:
Unless you have a major earwax blockage, earwax doesn't need to be removed at all. If you do, you will need to ...
Unless you have a major earwax blockage, earwax doesn't need to be removed at all. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Wash your hands'
Best Ways to

Wash your hands

Last answer by Jeanne Stephens 2 months ago:
Clean the entire surface of your hand and the spots that can be easily left unwashed. Germs stick to the hands ...
Clean the entire surface of your hand and the spots that can be easily left unwashed. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Eradicate bed bugs'
Best Ways to

Eradicate bed bugs

Last answer by Bernard Nash 3 weeks ago:
The first thing you should do once you find bedbugs is to throw everything into the washing machine: sheets, curtains, ...
The first thing you should do once you find bedbugs is to throw everything into the ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Clean nose piercing'
Best Ways to

Clean nose piercing

Last answer by Hazel Robinson 9 months ago:
Getting a piercing is pretty easy, but the healing process is far from being easy. Your piercing will turn red ...
Getting a piercing is pretty easy, but the healing process is far from being easy. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Clean toenails'
Best Ways to

Clean toenails

Last answer by Loretta Burgess 2 years ago:
The easiest way to get rid of toenail dirt is to regularly soak your feet in soapy water. This is great if you ...
The easiest way to get rid of toenail dirt is to regularly soak your feet in soapy ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Clean scrubs'
Best Ways to

Clean scrubs

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