Best Ways to Ask someone out over text


Show Them You are a Real Person

When a girl or a guy is reading your text, they should be able to see who you are. When you slide into their DMs make sure that you show them through your texts, calls, or by sending pictures, that you are not fake. Send a picture of you with your family or at your friend’s wedding. Talk to the person about what you studied and at which college and what do you like to do when you are free. When the other person thinks you are a genuine and real guy behind the screen, they might say yes to going out with you. 

Written by Janelle Lopez
7 months ago


Instead of asking her/him to go on a date sometime, make a request that is hard to turn down. For example, instead of saying; “Would you like to go to a concert with me?” specify the date and timing, then say (without buying the tickets already) “I have tickets to a really cool band performing on Saturday night, it would be really fun if you came with me.” He/She can now imagine a fun night so chances are, if he/she does not have any special plans for Saturday night, you'll get a satisfying 'Yes'.

Written by Sarah Patrick
2 weeks ago

Be Interesting

The funny and interesting guys and girls always perform better. To get your crush's attention, start the conversation with a text like; “So the craziest thing just happened…” or a joke. Start a conversation as soon as you get their number. Take a day or two to get to know them and if you feel you should spend some time with this person, ask them to go out with you. 

Be Interesting

Written by Pamela Torres
3 months ago

Keep the Conversation Light and Funny

Everyone would want to go out with you if you are funny and crazy! If your conversation is funny, they would think that going out with you will not be awkward or uncomfortable at all. If you can crack some good jokes and still have a meaningful conversation with your date, then show them that you can have a great time together.

Keep the Conversation Light and Funny

Written by Darnell Bryant
6 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Ask Someone Out Over Text?

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