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Ernestine Jackson

Plan your days well

A great way to be less stressed is to avoid getting stressed to begin with. Managing your time well will help your days to run smoother and ensure that you're getting your tasks done in a timely manner.

Get a calendar and make sure you update it regularly. There, you can see your entire schedule in one place and can better keep track of appointments, assignments, and other things that may cause you stress.

Also, write yourself a to-do list every day and stick to it. Letting work pile up is sure to make you even more stressed, so make sure you do it before it becomes too much to bear.

Plan your days well

Pull-Out Cleaning Supplies Rack Under the Sink

The secret to a well organized and clean kitchen is a regularly cleaned kitchen. To always keep your kitchen squeaky clean, you need all the cleaning supplies in one place. Therefore, a pull-out rack in the cabinet below the kitchen sink will be the perfect spot for accessing all the cleaning supplies

Tell good stories

Stories solidify our memories. Practice the art of storytelling, both new and old. Keep your stories fun, interesting, and compelling. It is a good way to keep people’s interest in what you have to say and exercises your brain when you search for stories in normal events.

Tell good stories

Use of Aquarium Pumps

A simple aquarium pump is a great way to dissolve oxygen in beer and aerate the wort. Most aquarium pumps have HEPA filters that remove pollutants and dust from the air and then inject them into the beer.

A simple aquarium pump along small siphon tubes immersed in wort will allow air to flow from the room into the wort during operation. Combine this with a spread stone, and you can quickly get an effective wort aeration setting.

Sell and Resell Items

Have you heard it from a friend how they buy stuff at garage sales and then sell it for higher on online reselling websites or apps? That is exactly what you can earn a good profit from. If you are good at bargaining, go to garage sales and buy things that you know you can resell to make a good profit. You might come across furniture pieces that need upholstering. Upholstered furniture can sell at a similar price as new furniture. Find ways to make money by buying and selling items. Buy items that you are sure, you can sell later at a good price, in another market.

Sell and Resell Items

Invest in a body pillow

Many pregnant women swear by body pillows to help with discomfort while pregnant. Their design allows for it to be used in any number of ways, some lay with it between their legs for hip support, some wrap their entire body around it while on their side to ease full-body tension. It can also be laid under the arch of your back for a slight stretch. The beauty of the body pillow is that it's ergonomic, and can be folded or molded in any way that works the best for your body.

Talk to Your Neighbors

If you have friendly neighbors that could have welcomed your cat, ask them if they have seen your cat. If you have been dropping off your cat to a neighbor before, your cat might have remembered the way and went there.

Many cats wander to the neighbor’s property because they like to roam. A neighbor who dislikes your cat could have taken the cat away from home or could be hiding it.

Talk to Your Neighbors

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