Best Ways to Find a missing cat


Put up fliers

Fliers are an effective and very common method of finding a missing cat. People can then keep an eye out and report back to you if they've seen or have managed to retrieve your tabby.

You can put fliers up in grocery stores, telephone poles, and community billboards to help you to get the word out.

It is recommended that you put a reward on the flier to incentivize people to go searching for it. Just ensure that it is realistic and something that you can actually pay should somebody locate your kitty.

Written by Jane Pena
2 years ago

Missing Cat Social Media Post

The missing cat flyers are dead. No one pays attention to them and they are likely to be taken off and ruined in rain. Flyers are expensive and ineffective, instead of printing flyers, publish a post on social media. Sponsor the post and select the area in 344 yards radius as your target audience.

If you want to grab people’s attention who would read your post, offer a small cash prize in bold letters on top along with your cat’s pictures. Give at least 3 clear pictures of your cat so that it is easier to identify the cat.

Written by Jeanette Fleming
1 week ago

Talk to Your Neighbors

If you have friendly neighbors that could have welcomed your cat, ask them if they have seen your cat. If you have been dropping off your cat to a neighbor before, your cat might have remembered the way and went there.

Many cats wander to the neighbor’s property because they like to roam. A neighbor who dislikes your cat could have taken the cat away from home or could be hiding it.

Talk to Your Neighbors

Written by Ernestine Jackson
3 months ago

Make a Shelter

One of the most effective ways of finding a lost cat is making a shelter for it. Place a large cardboard box outside, or other form of shelter, near your home. Put blankets in it, along with something marked with your scent, like an old t-shirt. Make it familiar and inviting for your cat.

Place some food and water nearby for your cat too. Make it so that the shelter is a safe and comfortable place for your tabby to return to.

Written by Loretta Burgess
8 months ago

Local Search

Most indoor cats that are lost are wandering or hiding outside the house within a 17-house radius which is roughly 344 yards from the owner’s house. As soon as you realize your cat is missing, you can start to search for the cat in your neighborhood. Check places that are good hiding spots such as empty boxes, shades, outbuildings, garages, and any spot where a cat can fit.

Local Search

Written by Monique Hernandez
2 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Find a Missing Cat?

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