Best Ways to Hug your boyfriend


Unexpected Back Hug

An unexpected back hug can feel comforting and satisfying. If your boyfriend is working, tired or just sitting near you, gently go near and grab him from the back. Wrap your arms around him tightly and place your chin on his shoulder. (if you are sitting or same height)

You can also rub his back or shoulders to make him feel cozy and relaxed if he has a long day at work. Even when he isn’t tired, he will appreciate the back rub because they feel really good. 

Unexpected Back Hug

Written by Dorothy Branch
2 days ago

Arms Around the Neck

Putting your arms around the neck may seem like a very casual and boring pose but you can make it extremely romantic too. It can make you two close enough to feel the warmth of each other and look at each other. To make the hug more intimate look at him in the eyes and smile. He will have a moment to admire how pretty you look and will be the perfect opportunity for a long kiss.

Arms Around the Neck

Written by Ernesto James
4 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Hug Your Boyfriend?

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