Best Ways to Intake collagen


Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, cabbage, and others are packed with Vitamin C which boosts collagen production. Consume the leafy green in salads, on the side at mealtimes, and in smoothies. Eating raw leafy greens is better than cooking them because they are rich in several vitamins and minerals that are best absorbed in the body when eaten raw.

Written by Edna Barry
7 months ago

Citrus Fruits

The best sources of collagen are citrus fruits because they help the body increase collagen production. The body synthesizes collagen with Vitamin C which is present in citrus fruits. The citrus fruits have ample vitamin C which makes them the best addition to your diet if you are making an effort to boost your body’s collagen production.

Citrus Fruits

Written by Martha Brennan
6 months ago

Bone Broth

To up your collagen intake, bone broth is the best source of collagen after collagen supplements. Slow cook bones of your favorite meat such as beef, or lamb. Broth of cow trotters has more gelatin which is the natural form of collagen.

Written by Enrique Erickson
1 year ago

Consume Meat

Collagen is an abundant protein in mammals and their meat. Cartilage in the chicken wings and beef eye steak are good sources of collagen because they have more connective tissues. People with arthritis are recommended to eat chicken neck and cartilage to help treat the condition.

Consume Meat

Written by Lon Washington
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Intake Collagen?

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