Best Ways to Intake calcium



Although all kinds of nuts are loaded with essential nutrients and fight metabolic diseases, almonds have the highest amount of calcium. Almonds can be eaten in so many ways and easily included in our meals. Some tasty options are consuming almond butter, eating raw almonds, adding almonds to smoothies and making almond cookies and cakes.


Written by Marlene Dean
2 years ago


Some varieties of fish such as canned salmon and sardines are rich sources of calcium. Eating fish has several benefits for the brain, heart, skin, and hair due to high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids. For those who like to eat seafood once or twice a week, eating canned sardines and salmon is a great way to intake calcium.


Written by Gavin Wagner
3 months ago


Seeds are loaded with calcium. Incorporating chia, poppy, and sesame seeds in your diet can effectively augment your calcium intake. Seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are necessary for healthy brain function. These seeds provide your body a blend of healthy fats and protein along with calcium so add them to the breakfast granola or smoothies. You can also add them to salads and eat them as a snack.


Written by Thelma Hansen
3 weeks ago

Parmesan and Cottage Cheese

Researches have shown that calcium in dairy products is absorbed more readily in our body as compared to plant-based sources of protein. Parmesan and cottage cheese are rich sources of calcium and protein. Cheese contains less lactose as compared to milk and other dairy products and it is, therefore, easier to digest for people who are lactose-intolerant. 

Written by Hazel Robinson
2 months ago

Leaf Vegetables

Spinach and kale are loaded with calcium and incredibly healthy. They contain fewer carbs and are also low-calorie foods to eat when you are on a diet. The leafy greens can be cooked for dinner, or they can be used to make salads and smoothies that provide more fiber and keep you satiated for longer.

Leaf Vegetables

Written by Sherri Gonzales
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Intake Calcium?

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