Best Ways to Hydrate your body


Carry a water bottle

Your body hydrates much better when you're drinking small amounts of water frequently, rather than chugging a liter of water all at once. Getting a water bottle is a great way to remind yourself to take sips throughout the day. You don't have to lug around a 4-gallon bottle every day, use whatever size is comfortable for you to help you better build the habit of drinking plenty of water every day.

Carry a water bottle

Written by Billy Powell
9 months ago


Drinking water can be very boring sometimes so switch to fresh juice. Juice carrots, oranges, apples, or any other fruit or vegetable that you like at home. Skip sodas with food and have a glass of fresh juice instead to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Written by Maxine Allen
2 months ago

Drink Smoothies

Smoothies that contain generous amounts of fiber are nutritious and keep you hydrated and satiated for longer. Make a breakfast smoothie with your favorite fruits and vegetables and carry it along with you to the office or school. Sip on it in the subway or at work whenever you feel hungry or thirsty. 

Drink Smoothies

Written by Bruce Murray
5 days ago

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain 80-90% water. They are the best alternative to frozen food. Fruits and vegetables with the highest water content include:

- berries

- melons

- oranges

- grapes

- carrots

- lettuce

- cabbage

- spinach

It is not necessary to eat only fresh fruits, frozen fruits are just as nutritious and hydrate your body. You can also make a smoothie with fruits and Greek yogurt and hydrate your body.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Written by Denise Marshall
9 months ago

Water reminder app

There are many free water reminder apps on the app store. Download one and set your body weight and height. It will automatically calculate how much water your body needs in a day and remind you to drink water. This way, you can drink water in intervals rather than gulping down half a bottle in one go. You can even track your water intake and stay hydrated.

Written by Arturo Moore
3 months ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Hydrate Your Body?

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