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Jeffrey Green

Pop Culture is Wrong

Pop Culture is WrongThe first thing I want to say is that pop culture can't be more wrong with the way they show people waking up from a coma. When a person is comatose, their brain is functioning to a bare minimum it can. Your brain waves are only functioning enough to keep you alive. The brain can't process sound properly. However, saying the person's name repeatedly will spark certain brain waves that might just wake them up.

Uncut Ripe Avocadoes in Fridge

Avocadoes can be easily stored in the fridge when they are uncut. They may last for a week before starting to rot and catch fungus. To store the avocadoes in the fridge, place them in a plastic sheet or parchment paper and wrap. Place them close to the base of your fridge where they will stay colder. Check on them every day. If they are ripe, eat them sooner.

Prep before and after tanning

There are additional steps you can add to your routine before and after tanning to make sure you get the best results. Before you start tanning, use an exfoliator on your skin. This will help remove any dead skin that may flake off while tanning, causing uneven marks in your skin. After tanning, apply aloe vera gel to soothe your skin after being in the sun for so long. It's also a great way to help your tan last longer.

Hop into the shower

Ever noticed how your blocked nose is able to breathe normally after a hot shower? That’s because the inflammation reduces and the mucus thins out when the hot steam goes in through your nose.

While it’s not possible for you to shower throughout the day, there are other ways to have steam enter your nose.

Stand in front of your bathroom sink and turn on the hot water. When the water is hot enough, cover your head with a towel and hover your head above the sink. Let the steam accumulate, and begin to draw deep breaths.

Word of caution: Make sure you don’t burn your face, keep a safe distance.

Create a Pattern

Creating a pattern with the hanging pictures will give the room a decent style and sharp look. If you are hanging 2 or three pictures of the same size, had them in a straight horizontal line above a couch. It will give the room a sleek look. You can also arrange them vertically in salon-style if you are dealing with 5 or more pictures.

Create a Pattern

Get Back on Your Routine

The first thing depression strips away from you is your happiness and the second one is your routine. The days will start passing by and you won’t be accomplishing anything. The best way to fight depression is to get back on your routine and do what needs to be done.

Make a to-do list and try to get out of the house if you can. When your partner or a family member is going out to get the groceries or a walk, offer to join them or go on your own. Try to do more of what you are supposed to be doing. Indulge yourself in cooking, cleaning, or gardening. If you have abandoned work, start working.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural remedy for treating toenail fungus. The vinegar can kill most types of fungus therefore it might kill the fungus especially if the toenail fungus has just started to appear. Apply apple cider vinegar to your toenail with a brush just like you would put on nail polish. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes and then wash it. Repeat it for a few days to see if it works. If the fungus is spreading to the entire nail or other toenails, see a doctor as soon as possible.

Understanding Your Skin

Acne-prone skin tends to form comedones and blemishes. When bacteria, glandular oils, pieces of broken skin cells, and dust particles are trapped in skin pores, they form comedones that often cause pimples and acne. To treat acne, it is vital to recognize which of these particles are causing acne and then avoid their contact with the skin.

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