Topics tagged face

image for topic 'Fade acne scars'
Best Ways to

Fade acne scars

Last answer by Carolina Sanders 3 months ago:
Night serums seep into the layers of your skin during the night. The serum helps brighten the skin, reduce redness, ...
Night serums seep into the layers of your skin during the night. The serum helps ...
Answers: 11
image for topic 'Treat acne'
Best Ways to

Treat acne

Last answer by Cornelia Ferguson 2 weeks ago:
Improper removal of makeup and leaving on makeup all night can also cause acne. For healthy and glowing skin, it ...
Improper removal of makeup and leaving on makeup all night can also cause acne. For ...
Answers: 10
image for topic 'Smooth skin'
Best Ways to

Smooth skin

Last answer by Wilbur Parks 7 days ago:
Make water your best friend! Water has many benefits for us. Water not only helps flush out all the toxins from ...
Make water your best friend! Water has many benefits for us. Water not only helps ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Whiten skin'
Best Ways to

Whiten skin

Last answer by Kay Weber 1 month ago:
Exfoliation is about shedding the old skin cells so that the layer beneath is exposed. Exfoliation occurs naturally ...
Exfoliation is about shedding the old skin cells so that the layer beneath is exposed. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Remove blackheads'
Best Ways to

Remove blackheads

Last answer by Guy Dawson 1 month ago:
Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that has exfoliating effects on the skin. It is also great for blackheads removal. ...
Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that has exfoliating effects on the skin. It ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Prevent acne'
Best Ways to

Prevent acne

Last answer by Glenda Peters 1 month ago:
I know, you probably want to punch the life out of that little bugger ruining the look of your face, but it’s best ...
I know, you probably want to punch the life out of that little bugger ruining the ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Exfoliate face'
Best Ways to

Exfoliate face

Last answer by Russell Holland 1 week ago:
The baby sponge can help you exfoliate your face gently every day. Dip the baby sponge in lukewarm water to soften ...
The baby sponge can help you exfoliate your face gently every day. Dip the baby sponge ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Remove broken capillaries on face'
Best Ways to

Remove broken capillaries on face

Last answer by Ira Schmidt 4 months ago:
Horse chestnut is known to treat a number of skin ailments. Although horse chestnut is available as a supplement, ...
Horse chestnut is known to treat a number of skin ailments. Although horse chestnut ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Cover up acne'
Best Ways to

Cover up acne

Last answer by Clara Jensen 8 months ago:
If you’re looking to quickly conceal a few breakouts without putting on any makeup, I recommend trying a pimple ...
If you’re looking to quickly conceal a few breakouts without putting on any makeup, ...
Answers: 2

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