Best Ways to Propose during covid


Have a Fun Day

Although you are at home and it sounds boring to propose at home, you can still make the proposal magical. Order comfort food, a bunch of your favorite snacks, flowers, candles, skincare products, and whatever you and your partner like or want. Check what your partner has on their wish-list or in their cart on the shopping app they use the most and buy it. Decorate the room with helium balloons, light scented candles, or use flowers to make it interesting. Make a gift basket for your partner and load it with perfumes, chocolates, and a huge teddy bear. Do the decoration when the partner is asleep or busy in a Zoom meeting. Decorate the room, place the gift basket on one corner of the bed or a table and the open box with the ring in the middle. 

Written by Janelle Lopez
7 months ago

Hide the Ring in a Fortune Cookie

If your partner is obsessed with fortune cookies and is always trying to figure out her future, propose with a fortune cookie that she’ll never forget the opening. Get fortune cookies customized and give your partner a few fortune cookies to intrigue them. Hand them the one with the ‘Will you marry me?’ question when they have opened a few and kneel to propose. Don’t give them a lot of fortune cookies at once because they may lose interest in opening them. 

Hide the Ring in a Fortune Cookie

Written by Mollie Hubbard
6 months ago

Propose on Rooftop

If you have a rooftop where you can have lunch or dinner, utilize the rooftop. There is always something special when you look at the sky and the nighttime view. Set a dinner table and get lamps, lights, or candles to light up space. Play music to set the romantic atmosphere. 

Written by Carmen Bennett
9 months ago

Create a Crossword Puzzle

Who doesn’t like to solve puzzles? A “Will you marry me? The puzzle is hands down surprising and easy ways to propose to your girlfriend if you want to low-key propose to her. Keep it simple and unique. Leave the puzzle with a pen on the table for her to solve and when she finally figures it out, kneel down to ask her hand in marriage. Set a camera to record her reaction. 

Written by Randy Dotson
2 months ago

Propose with a Song

If you like to play instruments, propose with a song. Write a song for her that shows how much you love her. A song that is uniquely written for her will make her fall in love with you all over again. Pour her a drink and get your guitar, piano, or whatever you like to play, and propose with style!

Propose with a Song

Written by Alexis Dorsey
3 months ago

Propose with an Unusual Cup

Get a cup that has Will You Marry Me written inside on the bottom. Wake her up to breakfast in bed and let her sip her morning drink in the cup, to reveal the ultimate question. Give your partner enough coffee or tea that she can easily finish. If you gave her too much of that, she won’t finish it and you’ll have to empty it in the sink for her.

Written by Jan Rivera
3 weeks ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Propose During Covid?

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