Best Ways to Propose on the beach


Take her to a Picnic at the Beach

People who like to spend time alone don’t want a lot of attention from others. If your girlfriend is also one of those private people and likes to spend time with you or alone, ask her to go on a picnic with you. Pack your stuff, the night before and go to the beach in the earliest hours of the morning when there are not many people around. You can also watch the sun come up and propose to her. She’ll be surprised how a simple picnic and a peaceful beach can become one of the best memories for her. 

Take her to a Picnic at the Beach

Written by Doug Watson
1 year ago

Sail When the Sun Sets

Hire a sailboat and sailor to take her on a water adventure to see how beautiful the sun looks when its sets on the ocean. Just when you are in the middle of the ocean, stop the boat and propose to her. You’ll need your sailor to be a good photographer too. If you want a professional to photograph you, sneak in the photographer as the sailor’s assistant. Make sure she has no idea of what is going to happen next to give her the biggest surprise that she'll cherish forever.

Written by Stan Jones
3 months ago

Take a Walk on the Beach

Choose a spot on the beach that is silent and peaceful. and arrange a lantern-lit sidewalk. Take a walk with her on the beach casually.

To make your walk on the beach dramatic, look at the lights and start walking by, acting like you have no idea what’s happening or it’s someone else’s plan for a proposal. When she’s thinking it’s someone else’s she will be surprised at the end to find out that it was going to be her special day.

Take a Walk on the Beach

Written by Jonathon Johnson
1 year ago

Oceanside Table

This is what happens in the movies. So, if she is the person who would want or like an extravagant proposal, hire an event planner to set an oceanside table, arrange food and use plenty of lights or flowers depending on the time of the day. You can also invite a pianist or a music band for live music to make it extremely romantic. 

Written by Marcy Graham
4 months ago

Spell it on Sand

When you take a casual stroll by the ocean with your partner, ask a friend to write will you marry me on the beach where it cannot be erased by the waves. Let her read the words and think about who did this? When she’s still looking around to see who is getting proposed, propose to her.

Spell it on Sand

Written by Carl Lee
4 hours ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Propose on the Beach?

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