Best Ways to Protect your home


Keep the Doors and Windows Shut

Keeping the doors and windows shut may not be the best way to protect your house but it is better than leaving your house open. Use long sticks on the inside of the windows to avoid burglars from breaking in by sliding them. Never leave the windows which are easily accessible by outside open when you leave the room or go to sleep.

Written by Karen Mason
4 weeks ago

Wearing Expensive Stuff

You may not get mugged when wearing expensive jewelry, watches, or money while being on street but you can become easy to notice and get followed. Robberies are always planned. The burglars tend to rob the house of people who have more expensive items at home. Try to hide all such things when you go out. If you have expensive jewelry or other items at home that are not well-protected, buy a safe or get a locker at a bank.

Written by Carey Mills
2 months ago

Keep the Doors and Windows Shut

Keeping the doors and windows shut may not be the best way to protect your house but it is better than leaving your house open. Use long sticks on the inside of the windows to avoid burglars from breaking in by sliding them. Never leave the windows which are easily accessible by outside open even when you leave the room or go to sleep.

If you stay away from home often or are going on a long vacation, don't lock your door from the outside and leave valuables at home. A door with a huge lock draws attention. It's a sign that no one has been there for many days. Take valuable items with you or drop them at your friend's house.

Keep the Doors and Windows Shut

Written by Kristy Morgan
2 weeks ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Protect Your Home?

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