Best Ways to Soften toenails


Moisturize your feet

If you have thick nails, then it is a good practice to moisturize your feet every night before going to sleep. It will not have an immediate effect, but it will show results in the long run.

Moisturize your feet

Written by Vaughn Huffman
5 months ago

File your nails

When you use a nail clipper, it cuts the toenail but leaves sharp and jagged edges. File your nails after clipping them for a smooth and soft finish. It is better if your filer has different sides and textures to shape and polish off unevenness.

File your nails

Written by Eugene Powell
7 months ago

Use mild soap and a little alcohol

Get a bowl or basin of water in which you can add some mild soap and a little alcohol. This will soften, disinfect, and clean your nails all in one go. Please note that the toenails are hotbeds for infection which can be prevented with good hygiene. You can leave your feet submerged in this solution for 15 to 20 minutes without a problem.

Use mild soap and a little alcohol

Written by Marshall Wright
1 month ago

Soak your feet

If you’re struggling to cut your nails due to how hard and thick they have become, you may need to soak your feet in water to be able to trim them. Fill a container large enough to fit both of your feet up with enough warm water to cover them. You can add epsom salt or oil to the water if you would like to do so. Soak for about 10-15 minutes and pat your feet dry.

Written by Amos Cole
1 year ago

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