Best Ways to Ask a girl out over text


Be Clever in Structuring the Text

The success of getting a “YES” from asking someone out over a text depends on a lot of things. First of all, it’s necessary to know whether the girl reciprocates your feelings in the same way or not. If you get the green signal, start crafting your text in a clever way. Don’t come off too strong but don’t leave room for any confusion as well. Make it clear that you like her in a romantic way and perhaps ask her for a coffee.

Written by Kermit Garrett
5 months ago

Don’t Rush into Asking Her Out

Often in the spur of moment, we rush into doing things. In case of asking a girl out, it’s better to do it face to face. But if asking her out over text is your style, make sure you don’t rush into it. It is essential that you text with her a good amount of time and see how much you vibe with each other. See how she responds when you send a lighthearted flirty text. If she is responding well, she might be into you. Now ask her if she’s got any plans for say Friday and ask her for a movie date. 

Written by Hazel Robinson
4 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Ask a Girl Out Over Text?

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