Best Ways to Start a conversation


Catching up

If you already know or have known the person you want to spark a conversation with, keep it simple – just catch up on recent events. It works well without putting the other party on the spot if they’ve been through some major life changes. You can imagine being asked about your work when you’ve recently been released of your duties, right? 

Written by Bryant Knight
1 month ago


Compliments are excellent ice-breakers. We all love a genuine compliment, don’t we? Genuineness is quite essential here, obviously.

There is one caveat to this, though – try to steer clear of commenting on physical attributes. Complimenting someone’s hairdo is one thing, but saying “Your hands are so soft” is going to make you look like a creep.

Written by Marvin King
7 months ago

Give a Compliment

Although there are hundreds of ways to start a conversation, giving someone a compliment about what they are doing, or wearing is a great way to start a conversation. Start with something like I like your glasses. Where did you get these from?

They will have to respond with an answer, if you ask a question. If they seem to be interested in talking more, go on, and talk about different things. You can switch topics by talking about the weather, a celebrity, your favorite song, or a hilarious story. Don’t compliment everything they are wearing because they might feel you are faltering them and you might have a hidden agenda.

Give a Compliment

Written by Bernard Nash
1 month ago

Talk About Something They Could be Interested In

If the person you want to talk to is wearing a Michael Jackson T-shirt, they could be a fan of the hip-hop star. Talk to them about his songs and the message of racial equality.

Similarly, if a person has an iPhone, talk to them about their experience of using Apple products. Find something they could be interested in talking about and keep them interested in talking to you by asking questions frequently.

Don’t talk about yourself only. Include them in the conversation, if they are reluctant to talk, ask questions politely. Try not to ask personal questions or questions that might make them uncomfortable.

Talk About Something They Could be Interested In

Written by Megan Harrell
1 year ago

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