Best Ways to Hold a baby


Lap Hold

This pose works best if you are lying down but you can also hold the baby on your lap while sitting. When lying down, bend your knees and put the baby’s upper body on the legs so that the baby is looking at you. The baby’s legs should be on your belly and the feet touching your chest. Keep both the hand around the baby. Make sure your pants are not hurting the baby, if you are wearing pants that have buttons or pearls, change into comfy pajamas.

If you are lying on a bed and in the middle, it is okay to let go of your hands if you want because the baby will be safe in case you accidentally drop them. The lap hold is perfect for taking amazing baby pictures. 

Written by Horace Armstrong
2 days ago

Holding the Baby in one arm

This pose is a little difficult especially if you are holding a baby for the first time, ask someone who is used to holding the baby for assistance. Keep one of your arms folded to your chest with the palm facing up. Ask them to place the baby in your arm. For additional support, Wrap the other arm on the side of the baby and keep the baby close to your chest.

Holding the Baby in one arm

Written by Shelia Harrell
6 months ago


Holding a baby can make you nervous and excited at the same time. Always wash your hands before holding a newborn because newborn babies are more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. If you are getting the baby from someone else, spread your arms in front of you, with your palms facing up. Hold the baby in such a way that the hip of the baby is in one hand and the other palm is under the baby's neck. Stick your fingers out for covering and supporting most of the baby's body and make yourself comfortable. 


Written by Jacob Richards
2 months ago

Put the Baby on the Shoulder

If you will be taking care of the baby for a while, want to burp the baby, or put the baby to sleep, the 'baby on the shoulder' is the most comfortable position. You will also be able to walk around while holding the baby.

Hold the baby in both your hands and gently put him on one of your shoulders. If you are right-handed, put the baby on the right shoulder. Keep the right hand on the baby’s hip and the left on the baby’s back, neck, or head for support. If you are not used to walking with babies, don’t hold the baby with one hand. 

Written by Doris Beck
1 year ago

Chair Hold

You don’t necessarily need to be sitting for holding the baby in a chair hold pose. Hold the baby close to your chest. Place one hand below the baby’s bum, (if you are standing) and the other hand on the baby’s chest. Keep the baby close to your body. You can also rock the baby gently by getting on your toes and releasing them gently. If you are standing, grab the baby’s crotch and gently rock the baby. Don’t apply pressure or hold the baby too tightly because they might get uncomfortable and start crying. Don't bend the baby's back beyond a 60-degree angle.

Chair Hold

Written by Cornelius Burke
4 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Hold a Newborn Baby?

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Hold a newborn baby

Hold a newborn

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