Best Ways to Hunt deer



Stalking is one of the best techniques used by professional hunters to hunt. If you see a deer from a distance who is casually moving, feeding, or sitting in their grass bed, stalk the deer. Get closer to the deer slowly without getting seen. The goal is to get within the hunting range where you can securely the target and shoot when the deer is not running. Wait for the right opportunity and be very slow when chasing the target. It might take some time to master this method of hunting but once you get a hang of it, hunting will be much more focused and fun.  


Written by Penny Moss
2 years ago

Stand Hunting

Stand hunting requires you to stand on a deer stand or tree stand. They allow the hunters to shoot a deer anywhere within a 15 yards radius comfortably. There are numerous stand options that you can use according to your personal choice and hunting style. Choose the right height of the treestand. Most hunters choose a height of 17 feet to 25 feet with 20 feet as the benchmark. 

Stand Hunting

Written by Tom Branch
1 year ago

Using Ground Blinds

Ground blinds are perfect for deer hunting when there aren’t many sturdy trees in the area. The hiding spots are portable, you are at ease inside them and they also mask your human smell that might spook the deer. New hunters move a lot and activity in hunting can be very risky. A subtle movement and deer would start running for its life. For hunters that prefer some comfort and hunting on the ground while avoiding the risk of losing a target deer because of their human smell should invest in ground blinds.

Written by Doug Lindsey
5 months ago

Deer Drives

Deer drives can be dangerous but when carried out carefully they can be very effective for hunting deer. To carry out a hunting drive, a team of 2 to 16 people splits into two groups. One group aims at the deer called ‘posters' and shoots while the other group called ‘drivers’ moves the deer. The group chasing the deer makes the deer move towards the group that shoots them.

Dear drives are successful when they move the deer and not make the deer run towards the posters. Aiming or shooting at running deer is of no use since the animal moves very swiftly and hunting them down while they are running is nearly impossible even for experienced hunters.

Deer Drives

Written by Ronald Caldwell
2 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Hunt Deer?

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