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Edgar Johns

Read a Book

For people who love to indulge themselves in reading, a rainy day is the perfect opportunity to spend a day at home and read a book. Find a nice comfortable spot to sit. If it’s cold outside, light up the fireplace and draw the blinds. Turn on a lamp and read in a cozy atmosphere.

If it’s summertime, open the window or keep it closed and move the curtains. Watch the rain pouring on the ground and read. The voice of falling water can be very soothing if the rain is not accompanied by thunder.

Boost your morning coffee

If you're looking to add a bit more of a kick to your coffee, throw in some protein powder! Add a little milk of your choice to mix it together and you have a drink that will help get you closer to your protein intake goal. The combination of caffeine and protein will give you enough energy to get through your day while also giving your body the nutrition it needs to function. Boost your morning coffee

Combustion space heater

Combustion space heaters create heat by using a fuel source, for example, propane or kerosene. While most combustion space heaters need to be run only on a specific type of fuel, several models can run on more than one type of fuel source – which can help you save a few bucks because you can buy the source that’s currently the cheapest.

Spend half a day at the Metropolitan Museum

The Metropolitan Museum, popularly known as the Met, is a giant museum that will easily take at least half a day to explore! The Museum’s steps are always crowded with people chilling or having lunch. Remember the Gossip girl scene with Blair and her minions having lunch? This is where it was filmed.

Entry to the museum is by donation. The suggested donation for adults is $25 and for students is $12. The museum also remains closed during the winter months so be sure to check if it’s open before you visit.

Use Exfoliating Products Regularly

After cleansing, you can use products specifically intended for exfoliating to further remove dirt, dead cells, and oil from your skin. There are a few different ways to do it. First, physical scrubs are things like scrubs or brushes that physically remove those impurities. Second, chemical exfoliants are chemicals that work by dissolving the bonds between skin cells so that they are easily removed.

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