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Jody Briggs

Use a mop

This one sounds like a no-brainer, but it is one of the easiest ways to clean off your rubber gym mats without getting on the floor and wiping them down. Simply use your household mop to wash them off like your regular floor. You can use a vinegar and water cleaning solution or you can buy a product like Fabuloso or Pine Sol. Mix with water to dilute the product and soak your mop in the mixture. Either of these products will leave your mats smelling fresh and clean.


Horse supplements available in the market are packed with amino acids, omega-3, and all the essential nutrients and vitamins your horse needs. These supplements are excellent for gaining muscle and fat. The supplements can be pricy but they can be really effective at maintaining healthy horse weight. 


Dance workouts are the most fun because you don’t have to lift weights and make your body too sore. You can do it at your own pace and get creative with dance moves. You can join a local or online Zumba class or play a YouTube video. There is always room for creativity so just play your favorite playlist and invent some great dance moves. Zumba can also help you learn to dance better while helping you ditch body fat.


Let your sense of humor shine

When you kid around with a girl, it’s best to start with topical references or observational humor.

Let your sense of humor shine

Making fun of your friend or some random person that’s sitting across the bar is going to make you look like a mean person, and anything that is self-deprecating will make her feel like you’re a bummer to be around.

Your best bet to show interest is to crack a joke and see where things head from there.

Break into song and bring friends

Aside from just getting a Hallmark card, you could sing a song and post it online to wish Happy Birthday. It will make the person happy regardless of his/her personal interests. If you’re not much of a singer, you could bring some of your friends with you and make a chorus. Just make sure there is at least one or two-person in the group who is good at singing so that he/she helps you guys to stay in tune.

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