The most effective and efficient tool for wall dusting is a vacuum cleaner. We all have them in our houses and never think of how useful it is in multiple scenarios. You just need to have the right attachments for the job. With the proper attachments, you can not only dust your walls, but dust the ceilings as well. Try to start from the top to bottom to capture the most dust without making a mess. But you can also use a w pattern of dusting for saving time and energy.
Wall dusting is not as necessary as you think. They can be fine without dusting. But even if you want to dust them, then the simplest way of using a head mop with microfiber cloth is the best way to do it. Spill a little bit of water on the cloth before dusting. Companies will market expensive products and liquid solutions and deem them necessary for wall dusting. But really they are not necessary, just a waste of money. So do not buy any expensive products for wall dusting.