Best Ways to Burn calories


Caffeinated black or green tea

Stimulants like caffeine tend to increase the rate of calories you burn. In fact, research suggests that consuming tea with meals could also have the effect of fighting fat. Tea extract could potentially intervene with the absorption of carbs in your body when consumed simultaneously with a meal. While the increase in calorie burning may be marginal, there is the added benefit that you will have consumed a beverage with a much lower calorie count than other beverages like a soda.

Caffeinated black or green tea

Written by Maxine Allen
1 year ago

Move more

The only way to really burn calories is to make your body work harder. You can do this in a multitude of ways, some relatively painless.

Of course you could start incorporating exercise into your daily routine. Start going to the gym after work, or do some yoga when you wake up.

If you work in an office, consider getting a standing desk. Standing burns more calories than sitting, and if you're working 8-hour days, those calories can add up. It's also better in the long-term for your back to be standing rather than sitting.

You can also start parking further from where you're headed and walking the remainder of the way. Again, it's only a small change, but eventually, it starts to add up. Alternatively, you could skip driving altogether and walk or bike on your commute. Also consider taking the stairs rather than an elevator or escalator. Using your body more will burn more calories and leave you feeling lighter and more energized.

Written by Cara Bradford
7 days ago

Make small changes

Small habits and choices that you make can burn a surprising amount of calories, even if you don't notice.

Doing small chores by hand, such as dishes or laundry can help you to burn calories in your daily life. Also choosing to take the stairs rather than the escalator only takes a couple of extra seconds, and can lead to weight loss in the long-term.

Parking a little further from your destination can also help, with just a few extra steps you can reach your health goals faster.

Perhaps best of all, getting more sleep can also help you to burn calories. Not getting enough sleep slows down your metabolism and makes it harder for your body to process energy, so spending an extra hour in bed can actually help you to lose weight!

Make small changes

Written by Elsie Sellers
2 years ago

Adjust your eating habits

For most, the body's metabolism works best when it's working consistently. Eating smaller meals reduces the amount of strain on your metabolism, while eating frequently throughout the day allows it to work more efficiently.

The body can actually burn more calories when eating lightly and frequently, than eating the same amount of calories all at once. Adjusting your diet accordingly, while a small change, is one that can drastically effect your weight loss goals.

Adjust your eating habits

Remember: even if you're eating smaller meals, you won't see much of a change if you're going from 8-piece nuggets to 6 pieces. Try to incorporate more whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, into your diet.

Written by Owen Kirby
4 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Burn Calories?

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