Best Ways to Promote hair growth


Don't Shampoo Often

Shampooing your hair can strip away the hair’s natural layer of oil. To grow hair faster, avoid shampoo and wash your hair with water only. Wash them with shampoo every other day or once a week depending on the scalp’s oil or sebum production. Massage the scalp to improve the scalp’s blood flow while washing your hair.

If your hair begins to smell bad after skipping shampoo for a day, use a hair conditioner when washing or simply rub a few drops of your favorite essential oils in your hands and then apply them to your hair. Lavender essential oils can also help calm headaches.

Don't Shampoo Often

Written by Lacey Swanson
1 year ago

Regular Trims

When you want to grow your hair longer, cutting your hair will sound the complete opposite. Not having a haircut in a long while can also result in split ends. Split ends increase the chances of hair breakage at the tips, which can reduce the overall length of your hair. Go to a salon for regular trims to speed up hair growth or you can cut them at home. You can also ask your partner, friend, or family member to chop roughly half an inch of your hair tips.

Written by Ella Crawford
2 years ago

Wash your hair with rice water

Rice water is the starchy water that is left over after you soak rice in a bowl. People have been using rice water to grow their hair for centuries. Rich water contains many essential vitamins that aid in hair growth such as vitamin E, vitamin B and antioxidants.

Soak your rice in water for 24 - 48 hours to allow the rice water to ferment. After straining the water, pour the rice water onto your hair. Next massage into your scalp and leave in for 30 minutes before rinsing.

Performing this ritual will help your hair grow longer in as little as 4 weeks.

Written by Niki Giovanis
2 days ago

Castor oil treatment

Castor oil is a superhero when it comes to hair care. In fact, it surpasses the likes of coconut oil, too. Yes, it’s that good!

To begin with, castor oil’s antibacterial and antifungal properties are perfect to fight scalp infections which can hold back your hair growth. Next, it has a bunch of nutrients like vitamin E, omega 6 fatty acids, and proteins, among others that help retain moisture. Finally, massaging hot castor oil into the roots will enable your scalp to absorb the nutrients, and boost hair growth.

Written by Don Moss
2 years ago

Cinnamon-based masks

Cinnamon has a bunch of other benefits in addition to its lip-smacking flavor. It is also an excellent choice for stimulation of blood circulation and nourishing the strands of your hair owing to its antimicrobial properties.

To DIY a cinnamon-based mask, mix coconut oil and cinnamon in equal parts and apply the mixture to your hair. Let cinnamon work its magic for 45-60 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

Cinnamon-based masks

Written by Jeremy Colon
3 months ago


Oiling hair is the oldest method to grow them. Use a hair-friendly oil such as almond oil, coconut, or mustard oil to massage your hair and scalp. On weekends, arrange a hot oil massage before the shower. A good scalp massage improves the blood flow inside the scalp, which also results in improved hair growth.


Written by Bernard Nash
9 months ago

Scalp massages

This stress-busting activity also happens to be an excellent way to boost your hair growth. The reason behind this is that massaging the scalp helps dilate the blood vessels present beneath the skin.

The increased blood flow in your scalp will help strengthen your roots and provide your follicles the nutrients it needs faster.

While it is just fine to give yourself a dry massage, the addition of a nutrient-rich oil will offer 2x the benefits of a dry scalp massage.

Scalp massages

Written by Candace Hill
2 months ago

End showers with a cold water rinse

Washing your hair with some cold water after showering boosts your hair-growing power. Cold water helps prevent moisture loss, heat damage, and snags by laying down your hair’s outer layer more smoothly. The rinse doesn’t need to be go on for long, a few seconds should do the trick. Cold showers might sound terrible during the winter, but it’s a small price to pay for longer hair, isn’t it?

Written by Melvin Shaw
1 month ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Stimulate Hair Growth?

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Stimulate hair growth

Grow hair

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