Best Ways to Take notes in college


Use the outline method

As a college student, I must say that the outline method is the best way to take notes. It helps me to organize my notes in a structured way. Thus, I save a lot of time in editing and reviewing my notes.

As the name suggests, you have to outline your notes, in a structured form. You can represent different topics through bullets. I usually jot down the main topics on the extreme left of the page and add related topics or sub-topics below them.Use the outline method

Written by Vicky Gordon
9 months ago

Write your notes out

Even though it is easier to type everything out on a tablet or laptop, writing your notes by hand is actually better for long-term information retention. While it does take longer to write out class notes, it also forces you to think about the topics being talked about. In order to keep up, you will need to paraphrase in a way that you can understand later. It keeps you from trying to get down every detail by making you focus on the important concepts.

Written by Amy Johnston
4 years ago

Try out the Box method

This method is unknown to many; however, it is gradually gaining popularity among college students. As the name suggests, topics related to one another are enclosed in a box. You have to draw a designated box of questions for each topic box. This does not only cut the reading time but also reduces your editing time.

Most digital-note-taking apps use this method as the boxes can be resized or edited quickly. All you have to do is write down the notes the traditional way and then groups the related topics together. Easy, right?

Written by Chester Vasquez
11 months ago

Use the Cornell method

It is a unique notes taking method that you can apply in different situations. First of all, you have to divide the page into 4 sections. Start by separating one row from the top for the date and title. Draw one column below and two in the center.

Leave 30% width in the left-most corner and use 70% width for the right-most column. All the notes will go into the big column. However, you can use the left-most column for comments, hints, questions, and instructions.

Written by Ana Love
4 months ago

Print out your lectures before class

One of the most effective ways to take notes in college is to print out your lectures before you arrive to class. If you print your lectures out beforehand, you will not have to waste time typing or writing out information that is already available to you online. This will help you add in more details when your professor is talking, that you may have otherwise missed. Add notes here and there to your pre-printed notes, and pay attention to the details that your professor is focusing on.

Written by Niki Giovanis
4 years ago

Do you know the BEST WAY TO Take Notes?

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