Topics with Recent Answers

image for topic 'Become a prosecutor'
Best Ways to

Become a prosecutor

Last answer by Raphael Grant 2 years ago:
Becoming a prosecutor is, in a lot of ways, similar to becoming a regular attorney. There's no requirement for ...
Becoming a prosecutor is, in a lot of ways, similar to becoming a regular attorney. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Travel in new zealand'
Best Ways to

Travel in new zealand

Last answer by Ellen Dawson 2 years ago:
Undoubtedly, the best way to travel in New Zealand as a tourist would be by road. The country has an amazing infrastruct ...
Undoubtedly, the best way to travel in New Zealand as a tourist would be by road. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Keep hands healthy doing crossfit'
Best Ways to

Keep hands healthy doing crossfit

Last answer by Lisa Adams 2 years ago:
Crossfit is a great way to work your body, but it has a super unexpected consequence - it may make your hands blister ...
Crossfit is a great way to work your body, but it has a super unexpected consequence ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook peas'
Best Ways to

Cook peas

Last answer by Jeanne Young 2 years ago:
Peas are a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. The great thing about them is that they require hardly any ...
Peas are a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. The great thing about them ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Network virtually'
Best Ways to

Network virtually

Last answer by Virginia Herman 2 years ago:
One good thing that came out of COVID-19 was the increase in potential when it came to networking over the internet. ...
One good thing that came out of COVID-19 was the increase in potential when it came ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Win tic tac toe'
Best Ways to

Win tic tac toe

Last answer by James Hansen 2 years ago:
This isn't a surefire way to win tic-tac-toe, but it's one I've been using for years and has rarely failed me. ...
This isn't a surefire way to win tic-tac-toe, but it's one I've been using for years ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Wake someone up from a coma'
Best Ways to

Wake someone up from a coma

Last answer by Jeffrey Green 2 years ago:
The first thing I want to say is that pop culture can't be more wrong with the way they show people waking up from ...
The first thing I want to say is that pop culture can't be more wrong with the way ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Darken a room'
Best Ways to

Darken a room

Last answer by Cornelia Reed 2 years ago:
While natural light can be a great addition to any space, it can also be a huge pain when trying to darken a room. ...
While natural light can be a great addition to any space, it can also be a huge pain ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Compost leaves'
Best Ways to

Compost leaves

Last answer by Eddie Schmidt 2 years ago:
The best way to compost leaves can easily be broken down into four easy to follow steps. Step 1: Some varieties ...
The best way to compost leaves can easily be broken down into four easy to follow ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Reheat pizza hut pasta'
Best Ways to

Reheat pizza hut pasta

Last answer by Todd Huffman 2 years ago:
Grab an oven-safe bowl or pan and the aluminum pan containing the pasta. From the aluminum pan, remove the desired ...
Grab an oven-safe bowl or pan and the aluminum pan containing the pasta. From the ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Fumigate home'
Best Ways to

Fumigate home

Last answer by Alan Robertson 2 years ago:
Besides liquid fumigation, you can also go for gas fumigation. To begin with the process, you will have to seal ...
Besides liquid fumigation, you can also go for gas fumigation. To begin with the ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Prospect in network marketing'
Best Ways to

Prospect in network marketing

Last answer by Rick Simon 2 years ago:
The best way to build a nice list of prospects is to know the people worth knowing. The easiest way to find these ...
The best way to build a nice list of prospects is to know the people worth knowing. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Create ebook'
Best Ways to

Create ebook

Last answer by Joyce Norman 2 years ago:
The first step to writing a decent e-book is to find something you're passionate about. If you're a talented writer, ...
The first step to writing a decent e-book is to find something you're passionate ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Surprise your husband with pregnancy'
Best Ways to

Surprise your husband with pregnancy

Last answer by Nicholas Adams 2 years ago:
Want your actions to do the talking for you? Just wear a T-Shirt! Custom printed t-shirts are a phenomenal idea ...
Want your actions to do the talking for you? Just wear a T-Shirt! Custom printed ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Describe yourself'
Best Ways to

Describe yourself

Last answer by Anne George 2 years ago:
There are hundreds of thousands of words that you can use to describe yourself. You are a unique human being and ...
There are hundreds of thousands of words that you can use to describe yourself. You ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Insure an engagement ring'
Best Ways to

Insure an engagement ring

Last answer by Evan Ortega 2 years ago:
If you're looking for the most convenient way to ensure your engagement ring, the best way to do so would probably ...
If you're looking for the most convenient way to ensure your engagement ring, the ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Ripen peaches indoors'
Best Ways to

Ripen peaches indoors

Last answer by Trevor Erickson 2 years ago:
Ripening a rock-hard peach can take a couple of days, even up to a week, but by using a brown paper bag you can ...
Ripening a rock-hard peach can take a couple of days, even up to a week, but by using ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Drink gin'
Best Ways to

Drink gin

Last answer by Sharon Glass 2 years ago:
If you're new to drinking gin, and you find the herbal taste to be a little off-putting, try adjusting your palate ...
If you're new to drinking gin, and you find the herbal taste to be a little off-putting, ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Learn Javascript'
Best Ways to

Learn Javascript

Last answer by Jesus Burgess 2 years ago:
Pick a framework you want to learn. Check the online community for the same. Most of the frameworks are open source, ...
Pick a framework you want to learn. Check the online community for the same. Most ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Cook macaroni'
Best Ways to

Cook macaroni

Last answer by Rosemarie Skinner 2 years ago:
Boiling pasta seems easy, but there are many ways that it can be done incorrectly. First, make sure you're adding ...
Boiling pasta seems easy, but there are many ways that it can be done incorrectly. First, ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Dust walls'
Best Ways to

Dust walls

Last answer by Gilbert Terry 2 years ago:
The most effective and efficient tool for wall dusting is a vacuum cleaner. We all have them in our houses and ...
The most effective and efficient tool for wall dusting is a vacuum cleaner. We all ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Learn ancient greek'
Best Ways to

Learn ancient greek

Last answer by Frederick Taylor 3 years ago:
Learning ancient Greek is pretty much impossible without the help of a proper teacher who is well-versed in the ...
Learning ancient Greek is pretty much impossible without the help of a proper teacher ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Obtain real estate license'
Best Ways to

Obtain real estate license

Last answer by Lacey Mcdonald 3 years ago:
There are obviously some requirements before you can obtain a real estate license. Apart from the education prerequisite ...
There are obviously some requirements before you can obtain a real estate license. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Anchor your boat'
Best Ways to

Anchor your boat

Last answer by Nicholas Washington 3 years ago:
The most common way people set their anchors is by using their engines to help out. Ease off on the engine until ...
The most common way people set their anchors is by using their engines to help out. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Date during covid'
Best Ways to

Date during covid

Last answer by Glen Bridges 3 years ago:
We have more dating routes now than we have ever had in human history. Apps and websites are a great way to meet ...
We have more dating routes now than we have ever had in human history. Apps and websites ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Remember braking distances'
Best Ways to

Remember braking distances

Last answer by William Knox 4 years ago:
If you're about to give a test for your driver's license, the braking distance is one particular thing that must ...
If you're about to give a test for your driver's license, the braking distance is ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Archive files'
Best Ways to

Archive files

Last answer by Dina Anderson 4 years ago:
Cloud computing services are extremely cheap and easy to purchase in 2021. If you're looking to archive digital ...
Cloud computing services are extremely cheap and easy to purchase in 2021. If you're ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Manipulate fingerprints'
Best Ways to

Manipulate fingerprints

Last answer by Todd Huffman 4 years ago:
Fingerprints are like a puzzle. Every person has a very specific puzzle. If you take one piece away from the puzzle, ...
Fingerprints are like a puzzle. Every person has a very specific puzzle. If you take ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook clams'
Best Ways to

Cook clams

Last answer by Gavin Wagner 4 years ago:
A basic way to cook clams is by steaming them. First melt a couple tablespoons of butter in a saucepan and add ...
A basic way to cook clams is by steaming them. First melt a couple tablespoons of ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Skin tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Skin tomatoes

Last answer by Robert Thomas 4 years ago:
Blanching tomatoes, and other soft-fleshed fruit, is an incredibly effective and time-tested way to remove the ...
Blanching tomatoes, and other soft-fleshed fruit, is an incredibly effective and ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Freeze peaches'
Best Ways to

Freeze peaches

Last answer by Elaine Ray 4 years ago:
To freeze peaches, you first need to get them into manageable-sized pieces. Slice your peaches, either by hand ...
To freeze peaches, you first need to get them into manageable-sized pieces. Slice ...
Answers: 1
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