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image for topic 'Change bad habits'
Best Ways to

Change bad habits

Last answer by Faye Cummings 2 days ago:
I had a bad habit of smoking weed and I desperately wanted to break it. Luckily, I had a guy best friend who helped ...
I had a bad habit of smoking weed and I desperately wanted to break it. Luckily, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Become a millionaire'
Best Ways to

Become a millionaire

Last answer by Faye Cummings 1 month ago:
I am a real estate investor and I put in a lot of effort and hard work in the early years but it paid off in the ...
I am a real estate investor and I put in a lot of effort and hard work in the early ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Recycle'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Percy Torres 9 months ago:
The frequent use of plastic items has harmed our environment in ways we can’t imagine. Yes, single-use plastic ...
The frequent use of plastic items has harmed our environment in ways we can’t imagine. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Play among us'
Best Ways to

Play among us

Last answer by Bruce Stone 8 months ago:
Among Us was a pretty amazing game at the start, but it got dry pretty soon. The userbase has died out. But, if ...
Among Us was a pretty amazing game at the start, but it got dry pretty soon. The ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Deal with grief'
Best Ways to

Deal with grief

Last answer by Dan Taylor 2 months ago:
Crying is a form of mourning, and it isn't, by any means, synonymous with being weak. Crying proves nothing other ...
Crying is a form of mourning, and it isn't, by any means, synonymous with being weak. ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Winterize your car'
Best Ways to

Winterize your car

Last answer by Nicholas English 2 weeks ago:
Find out what is the correct tire pressure for your car’s tires. Maintain good tire pressure at all times and check ...
Find out what is the correct tire pressure for your car’s tires. Maintain good tire ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Not throw up'
Best Ways to

Not throw up

Last answer by Marjorie Hoffman 3 weeks ago:
There is a reason people with car sickness hang their head outside the window. Fresh air eases nausea and makes ...
There is a reason people with car sickness hang their head outside the window. Fresh ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Introduce cats'
Best Ways to

Introduce cats

Last answer by Cora Woodard 7 months ago:
As a new cat enters your home, your older cat will feel threatened. That’s just their nature, so the introduction ...
As a new cat enters your home, your older cat will feel threatened. That’s just their ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Store milled grain'
Best Ways to

Store milled grain

Last answer by Douglas Johnson 7 months ago:
Improperly stored milled grain is almost certain to go bad after a specific amount of time. The best way to preserve ...
Improperly stored milled grain is almost certain to go bad after a specific amount ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Dust hardwood floors'
Best Ways to

Dust hardwood floors

Last answer by Tracie Davis 3 months ago:
Hardwood floors easily catch dust particles. Nobody likes a dusty floor. In this case you might think that sweeping ...
Hardwood floors easily catch dust particles. Nobody likes a dusty floor. In this ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Soften stool'
Best Ways to

Soften stool

Last answer by Justin Burke 1 year ago:
Eating fiber is always good for health. It is also a good treatment for constipation and hard stools. Fiber, the ...
Eating fiber is always good for health. It is also a good treatment for constipation ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Keep prosecco fizzy'
Best Ways to

Keep prosecco fizzy

Last answer by Enrique Barnes 4 months ago:
Processo is undoubtedly a mass favorite. Its unique taste, versatility, and affordability are some of the many ...
Processo is undoubtedly a mass favorite. Its unique taste, versatility, and affordability ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Get odor out of clothes'
Best Ways to

Get odor out of clothes

Last answer by Ellen Dawson 2 months ago:
To get pesky odors out of clothes, wash your clothes more than once. Washing the clothes with hands and twice or ...
To get pesky odors out of clothes, wash your clothes more than once. Washing the ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Clear skin'
Best Ways to

Clear skin

Last answer by Louis Allen 3 weeks ago:
A study revealed that people who washed their face more than two times a day had fewer acne lesions as compared ...
A study revealed that people who washed their face more than two times a day had ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Disinfect scrubs'
Best Ways to

Disinfect scrubs

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Disinfect Scrubs please add it!
image for topic 'Freeze peaches'
Best Ways to

Freeze peaches

Last answer by Elaine Ray 4 years ago:
To freeze peaches, you first need to get them into manageable-sized pieces. Slice your peaches, either by hand ...
To freeze peaches, you first need to get them into manageable-sized pieces. Slice ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Decrease inflammation'
Best Ways to

Decrease inflammation

Last answer by Sarah Patrick 2 months ago:
Make it a point to include leafy greens every day in at least one of your meals. Loading up on a cup of arugula, ...
Make it a point to include leafy greens every day in at least one of your meals. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Insure an engagement ring'
Best Ways to

Insure an engagement ring

Last answer by Evan Ortega 2 years ago:
If you're looking for the most convenient way to ensure your engagement ring, the best way to do so would probably ...
If you're looking for the most convenient way to ensure your engagement ring, the ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cheer yourself up'
Best Ways to

Cheer yourself up

Last answer by Elisa Hunt 3 months ago:
For some people, food is the best way to make them happy. If you are having a bad day or are just tired, eat out. ...
For some people, food is the best way to make them happy. If you are having a bad ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Increase chances of having twins'
Best Ways to

Increase chances of having twins

Last answer by Joanna Morris 2 months ago:
Women with a BMI of 30 or more (who are obese) have more chances of conceiving twins as compared to women with ...
Women with a BMI of 30 or more (who are obese) have more chances of conceiving twins ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Pull an all nighter'
Best Ways to

Pull an all nighter

Last answer by Mario Anderson 1 month ago:
Whether or not you like coffee, you’re going to need some form of caffeine to make it through the entire night. ...
Whether or not you like coffee, you’re going to need some form of caffeine to make ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Handle disgruntled employees'
Best Ways to

Handle disgruntled employees

Last answer by Marcus Collins 4 days ago:
It’s essential that you treat these issues as confidential to maintain a positive atmosphere. There will always ...
It’s essential that you treat these issues as confidential to maintain a positive ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Design clothes'
Best Ways to

Design clothes

Last answer by Jordan Valentine 2 months ago:
Once inspiration strikes, you don't want to miss it. Millions of great ideas have been lost to the world because ...
Once inspiration strikes, you don't want to miss it. Millions of great ideas have ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Stop drug addiction'
Best Ways to

Stop drug addiction

Last answer by Martha Patel 2 weeks ago:
The best way to overcome an addiction is to seek the proper help. Once you've detoxed and gotten rid of the addiction ...
The best way to overcome an addiction is to seek the proper help. Once you've detoxed ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Remove ivy from house'
Best Ways to

Remove ivy from house

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Remove Ivy from House please add it!
image for topic 'Sneak food into class'
Best Ways to

Sneak food into class

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Sneak Food Into Class please add it!
image for topic 'Ease tension'
Best Ways to

Ease tension

Last answer by Angelica Garcia 5 months ago:
Mindfulness can help you anchor to the present moment and forget the stressful thoughts that are causing strain ...
Mindfulness can help you anchor to the present moment and forget the stressful thoughts ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Soundproof a door'
Best Ways to

Soundproof a door

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Soundproof a Door please add it!
image for topic 'Sneak out of the house'
Best Ways to

Sneak out of the house

Last answer by Pamela Torres 4 weeks ago:
You make an excellent plan to get out of the house but at night you notice that someone locked the front door and ...
You make an excellent plan to get out of the house but at night you notice that someone ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Greet a customer'
Best Ways to

Greet a customer

Last answer by Kathy Skinner 3 months ago:
If the customer coming is a regular or a loyal customer who has been with you for a long time, you need to show ...
If the customer coming is a regular or a loyal customer who has been with you for ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Eat rusks'
Best Ways to

Eat rusks

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Eat Rusks please add it!
image for topic 'Tell husband you're pregnant'
Best Ways to

Tell husband you're pregnant

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Tell Husband You'Re Pregnant please add it!
image for topic 'Freeze macaroni and cheese'
Best Ways to

Freeze macaroni and cheese

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Freeze Macaroni and Cheese please add it!
image for topic 'Remove rust from chrome'
Best Ways to

Remove rust from chrome

Last answer by Clint Baker 11 months ago:
Rust penetrants, as the name suggests, are great at getting rid of rust. Products like WD-40 are pretty deep and ...
Rust penetrants, as the name suggests, are great at getting rid of rust. Products ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Run with music'
Best Ways to

Run with music

No answers yet! You can help! If you know the best way to Run with Music please add it!
image for topic 'Drink advocaat'
Best Ways to

Drink advocaat

Last answer by Etta Richardson 2 months ago:
Advocaat is a traditional Dutch drink, considered as alcohol, is made from sugar eggs and brandy. It has a Custer-like ...
Advocaat is a traditional Dutch drink, considered as alcohol, is made from sugar ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Mist coat new plaster'
Best Ways to

Mist coat new plaster

Last answer by Wanda Wade 4 months ago:
Mist coat is the first coat that is painted on the wall before putting on the top coat. The perfect ratio for mist ...
Mist coat is the first coat that is painted on the wall before putting on the top ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Ask a girl out over text'
Best Ways to

Ask a girl out over text

Last answer by Hazel Robinson 1 month ago:
Often in the spur of moment, we rush into doing things. In case of asking a girl out, it’s better to do it face ...
Often in the spur of moment, we rush into doing things. In case of asking a girl ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Pay less income tax'
Best Ways to

Pay less income tax

Last answer by Brian Dyer 2 weeks ago:
Municipal bonds are issued by a state or local government, and pay you a fixed amount of interest until the bond’s ...
Municipal bonds are issued by a state or local government, and pay you a fixed amount ...
Answers: 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 28

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