Topics with Fewest Answers

image for topic 'Combat climate change'
Best Ways to

Combat climate change

Last answer by Holly Graves 1 month ago:
If you're looking to curb climate change on a more personal level, the best thing you can probably do is stop taking ...
If you're looking to curb climate change on a more personal level, the best thing ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Stir peanut butter'
Best Ways to

Stir peanut butter

Last answer by Jeremy Duran 5 months ago:
A spoon may seem ideal for stirring peanut butter, but natural peanut butter is so gloopy that it could easily ...
A spoon may seem ideal for stirring peanut butter, but natural peanut butter is so ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Drink gin'
Best Ways to

Drink gin

Last answer by Sharon Glass 2 years ago:
If you're new to drinking gin, and you find the herbal taste to be a little off-putting, try adjusting your palate ...
If you're new to drinking gin, and you find the herbal taste to be a little off-putting, ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Learn ancient greek'
Best Ways to

Learn ancient greek

Last answer by Frederick Taylor 3 years ago:
Learning ancient Greek is pretty much impossible without the help of a proper teacher who is well-versed in the ...
Learning ancient Greek is pretty much impossible without the help of a proper teacher ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Design a poster'
Best Ways to

Design a poster

Last answer by Sylvester Marshall 2 months ago:
Canva is one of the best tools out there for folks that aren't too handy with complex graphic designing software ...
Canva is one of the best tools out there for folks that aren't too handy with complex ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Hold a cat'
Best Ways to

Hold a cat

Last answer by Joanna Morris 8 months ago:
Personally, I really like to hold my cat like a baby. It's just really wholesome when the cat looks up into your ...
Personally, I really like to hold my cat like a baby. It's just really wholesome ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Thaw a frozen turkey'
Best Ways to

Thaw a frozen turkey

Last answer by Kristi Wiggins 1 year ago:
The quickest way to thaw your frozen turkey is to use a handy bucket of cold water. Place your turkey in a cold ...
The quickest way to thaw your frozen turkey is to use a handy bucket of cold water. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Warm up your voice'
Best Ways to

Warm up your voice

Last answer by Rudolph Powers 2 months ago:
Humming is one of the least taxing ways to warm up your voice. It's easy on your vocal cords and is something you ...
Humming is one of the least taxing ways to warm up your voice. It's easy on your ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cover windows'
Best Ways to

Cover windows

Last answer by George Cervantes 8 months ago:
Newspaper is the go-to piece of paper article that people like to put up on their windows but it gives off a really ...
Newspaper is the go-to piece of paper article that people like to put up on their ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Litter box train a kitten'
Best Ways to

Litter box train a kitten

Last answer by Todd Huffman 5 months ago:
Punishments are a terrible way to train any pet and must be avoided at all costs. Positive reinforcement is the ...
Punishments are a terrible way to train any pet and must be avoided at all costs. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Chop tomatoes'
Best Ways to

Chop tomatoes

Last answer by Gracie Meyer 2 years ago:
You need as sharp a knife as possible to cut tomatoes. They're naturally soft, and if you use a dull knife, you'll ...
You need as sharp a knife as possible to cut tomatoes. They're naturally soft, and ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook macaroni'
Best Ways to

Cook macaroni

Last answer by Rosemarie Skinner 2 years ago:
Boiling pasta seems easy, but there are many ways that it can be done incorrectly. First, make sure you're adding ...
Boiling pasta seems easy, but there are many ways that it can be done incorrectly. First, ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Win tic tac toe'
Best Ways to

Win tic tac toe

Last answer by James Hansen 2 years ago:
This isn't a surefire way to win tic-tac-toe, but it's one I've been using for years and has rarely failed me. ...
This isn't a surefire way to win tic-tac-toe, but it's one I've been using for years ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Pipe macarons'
Best Ways to

Pipe macarons

Last answer by Eric Henderson 6 months ago:
A stencil is an invaluable tool when making macarons. They help to ensure even, uniform macarons that are all uniformly ...
A stencil is an invaluable tool when making macarons. They help to ensure even, uniform ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Zoom a wedding'
Best Ways to

Zoom a wedding

Last answer by Carolyn Mclaughlin 1 month ago:
Before zooming your wedding, you need to determine what equipment you plan to use. First consider your device, ...
Before zooming your wedding, you need to determine what equipment you plan to use. First ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Fund home improvements'
Best Ways to

Fund home improvements

Last answer by George Cervantes 5 months ago:
When it comes to renovation and improvements of your house, there is no other best way to pay for it than your ...
When it comes to renovation and improvements of your house, there is no other best ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Dry milled wood'
Best Ways to

Dry milled wood

Last answer by Addie Watkins 3 months ago:
Drying is the most important part of milling woods. It requires great supervision and expertise. Any mistake in ...
Drying is the most important part of milling woods. It requires great supervision ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Snoop on your boyfriend'
Best Ways to

Snoop on your boyfriend

Last answer by Shanna Mckinney 2 weeks ago:
It is important to snoop on your boyfriend’s phone without him knowing. If he finds out that you are spying on ...
It is important to snoop on your boyfriend’s phone without him knowing. If he finds ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Clean exhaust fan filters'
Best Ways to

Clean exhaust fan filters

Last answer by Lola Green 2 weeks ago:
A good way to clean the filters is to use a degreaser. Especially for very dirty and greasy filters. First take ...
A good way to clean the filters is to use a degreaser. Especially for very dirty ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Treat lameness'
Best Ways to

Treat lameness

Last answer by Sonia Butler 8 months ago:
Lameness refers to the condition when someone is unable to move one or two limbs. It is common in both humans and ...
Lameness refers to the condition when someone is unable to move one or two limbs. ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Splice wires'
Best Ways to

Splice wires

Last answer by Estella Koch 2 months ago:
Using a piece of heat shrink is a very effective, seamless way of splicing two wires. Here is how you use a heat ...
Using a piece of heat shrink is a very effective, seamless way of splicing two wires. ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Dust walls'
Best Ways to

Dust walls

Last answer by Gilbert Terry 2 years ago:
The most effective and efficient tool for wall dusting is a vacuum cleaner. We all have them in our houses and ...
The most effective and efficient tool for wall dusting is a vacuum cleaner. We all ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Clean padlocks'
Best Ways to

Clean padlocks

Last answer by Dorothy White 4 months ago:
Padlocks are commonly used for locking establishment main gates. They are very popular for their convenience and ...
Padlocks are commonly used for locking establishment main gates. They are very popular ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Pull a tooth'
Best Ways to

Pull a tooth

Last answer by Eric Henderson 8 months ago:
If we are talking about pulling a tooth out of an adult’s mouth, then the best way is to visit a dentist. Doing ...
If we are talking about pulling a tooth out of an adult’s mouth, then the best way ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Dust hardwood floors'
Best Ways to

Dust hardwood floors

Last answer by Tracie Davis 3 months ago:
Hardwood floors easily catch dust particles. Nobody likes a dusty floor. In this case you might think that sweeping ...
Hardwood floors easily catch dust particles. Nobody likes a dusty floor. In this ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Eradicate bed bugs'
Best Ways to

Eradicate bed bugs

Last answer by Arturo Wilson 3 months ago:
When it comes to bed bugs, you don’t want to take any chances. Seek s professional pest control and ask them to ...
When it comes to bed bugs, you don’t want to take any chances. Seek s professional ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Ripen avocado'
Best Ways to

Ripen avocado

Last answer by Constance White 8 months ago:
A unique thing about Avocado is that it does not ripe while it is on the tree. Inorder to rip it, you must cut ...
A unique thing about Avocado is that it does not ripe while it is on the tree. Inorder ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Drink advocaat'
Best Ways to

Drink advocaat

Last answer by Etta Richardson 2 months ago:
Advocaat is a traditional Dutch drink, considered as alcohol, is made from sugar eggs and brandy. It has a Custer-like ...
Advocaat is a traditional Dutch drink, considered as alcohol, is made from sugar ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Mist plants'
Best Ways to

Mist plants

Last answer by Zachary May 3 months ago:
Houseplants need to be mist properly and regularly. In addition to misting, you can create a humidified environment ...
Houseplants need to be mist properly and regularly. In addition to misting, you can ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Fold scrubs'
Best Ways to

Fold scrubs

Last answer by Geraldine Barnett 1 month ago:
The easiest way to fold scrub is to fold it into thirds. For this you need a plain surface. First, lay down the ...
The easiest way to fold scrub is to fold it into thirds. For this you need a plain ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Compost horse manure'
Best Ways to

Compost horse manure

Last answer by Yvette Johns 3 weeks ago:
Each horse owner goes through the turmoil of “how to manage the huge pile of waste on their shed.” The buildup ...
Each horse owner goes through the turmoil of “how to manage the huge pile of waste ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Keep prosecco fizzy'
Best Ways to

Keep prosecco fizzy

Last answer by Enrique Barnes 4 months ago:
Processo is undoubtedly a mass favorite. Its unique taste, versatility, and affordability are some of the many ...
Processo is undoubtedly a mass favorite. Its unique taste, versatility, and affordability ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Mist coat new plaster'
Best Ways to

Mist coat new plaster

Last answer by Wanda Wade 4 months ago:
Mist coat is the first coat that is painted on the wall before putting on the top coat. The perfect ratio for mist ...
Mist coat is the first coat that is painted on the wall before putting on the top ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Grow fuchsia'
Best Ways to

Grow fuchsia

Last answer by Milton Walker 2 months ago:
Fuchsias cannot endure heat. It requires shade in the daytime and cool temperature at night. The variant of your ...
Fuchsias cannot endure heat. It requires shade in the daytime and cool temperature ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Clean after fumigation'
Best Ways to

Clean after fumigation

Last answer by Ismael Thompson 1 month ago:
Pest infestation becomes an obstacle in your peaceful life when it’s your own home. Fumigation is the process to ...
Pest infestation becomes an obstacle in your peaceful life when it’s your own home. ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Hustle money'
Best Ways to

Hustle money

Last answer by Michele Hoffman 1 month ago:
Hustling for money is a never ending process in this age and time. If you want to earn that cash during your free ...
Hustling for money is a never ending process in this age and time. If you want to ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Reroute plumbing'
Best Ways to

Reroute plumbing

Last answer by Sheryl Gray 4 months ago:
Plumbing is an intricate part of your home. It supplies water to your kitchen bathrooms and anywhere water is needed. ...
Plumbing is an intricate part of your home. It supplies water to your kitchen bathrooms ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Visualize data'
Best Ways to

Visualize data

Last answer by Wanda Wade 5 months ago:
Data will not be affective as long as it is not used in a useful way. If the data is grouped and presented in an ...
Data will not be affective as long as it is not used in a useful way. If the data ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Ask a girl out over text'
Best Ways to

Ask a girl out over text

Last answer by Hazel Robinson 1 month ago:
Often in the spur of moment, we rush into doing things. In case of asking a girl out, it’s better to do it face ...
Often in the spur of moment, we rush into doing things. In case of asking a girl ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Spackle holes'
Best Ways to

Spackle holes

Last answer by Thomas Flores 3 months ago:
Spackling is a method used to fill out any holes in the wall. To fill them out effectively it requires proper applicatio ...
Spackling is a method used to fill out any holes in the wall. To fill them out effectively ...
Answers: 2
1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 28

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