Topics with Most Answers

image for topic 'Greet a customer'
Best Ways to

Greet a customer

Last answer by Kathy Skinner 2 months ago:
If the customer coming is a regular or a loyal customer who has been with you for a long time, you need to show ...
If the customer coming is a regular or a loyal customer who has been with you for ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Potty train'
Best Ways to

Potty train

Last answer by Clint Baker 2 years ago:
Before you start teaching a kid about the basics of using a toilet, it's important they get some practice on the ...
Before you start teaching a kid about the basics of using a toilet, it's important ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Sneak alcohol into a festival'
Best Ways to

Sneak alcohol into a festival

Last answer by Sheila Boyd 5 months ago:
Hiding alcohol in a water bottle is a pretty common tactic that festival management will be careful to check for. ...
Hiding alcohol in a water bottle is a pretty common tactic that festival management ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Say i love you'
Best Ways to

Say i love you

Last answer by Glenda Meyer 1 year ago:
"I love you" has a sacred feeling attached to it. These three words mean a lot more than people realize. It doesn't ...
"I love you" has a sacred feeling attached to it. These three words mean a lot more ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Supplement retirement income'
Best Ways to

Supplement retirement income

Last answer by Bernard Dixon 7 months ago:
Once you retire, it’s generally more preferable to build passive sources of income unless you’re really invested ...
Once you retire, it’s generally more preferable to build passive sources of income ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Network'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Rosie Browning 1 year ago:
Google for job fairs and similar professional events scheduled in the coming days in your area. If you’re recently ...
Google for job fairs and similar professional events scheduled in the coming days ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Store peaches'
Best Ways to

Store peaches

Last answer by Trevor Erickson 4 months ago:
If the peaches at hand aren't fully ripe yet, you can store them safely without any danger of them getting spoilt. ...
If the peaches at hand aren't fully ripe yet, you can store them safely without any ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Cook tofu'
Best Ways to

Cook tofu

Last answer by Fredrick Hodge 2 months ago:
Tofu can be a great substitute for meat in your cooking. You only have to figure out what your favorite method ...
Tofu can be a great substitute for meat in your cooking. You only have to figure ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Personalize your mac'
Best Ways to

Personalize your mac

Last answer by Jeffrey Bush 9 months ago:
Mac OS has a pretty clean and sleek interface that I personally adore. However, you do get tired of looking at ...
Mac OS has a pretty clean and sleek interface that I personally adore. However, you ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Make a perfect espresso'
Best Ways to

Make a perfect espresso

Last answer by Cary Crawford 3 months ago:
One way to make espresso is with a stovetop espresso pot. This is great for those who don't want to invest in a ...
One way to make espresso is with a stovetop espresso pot. This is great for those ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Use alexa'
Best Ways to

Use alexa

Last answer by Carolyn Mclaughlin 11 months ago:
One of the main ways my family uses our Alexa in our house is for music! We love to play music when we are all ...
One of the main ways my family uses our Alexa in our house is for music! We love ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Get odor out of shoes'
Best Ways to

Get odor out of shoes

Last answer by Mathew Schneider 1 month ago:
If you're looking to get rid of odor without using any type of equipment, you can simply put your shoes in direct ...
If you're looking to get rid of odor without using any type of equipment, you can ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Consolidate debt'
Best Ways to

Consolidate debt

Last answer by Thelma Hansen 1 year ago:
Consolidation loans are loans specifically given for the purpose of consolidating your debts. This is the simplest ...
Consolidation loans are loans specifically given for the purpose of consolidating ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Grab audience right from the start'
Best Ways to

Grab audience right from the start

Last answer by Dorothy White 5 months ago:
With any sort of performance, whether it be stand-up, music, or even just a short speech, you need to prepare and ...
With any sort of performance, whether it be stand-up, music, or even just a short ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Prevent ddos attacks'
Best Ways to

Prevent ddos attacks

Last answer by Jesse Ayala 1 month ago:
Put together multi-level protection strategies for your applications, network and infrastructure. Such strategies ...
Put together multi-level protection strategies for your applications, network and ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Recover from a workout'
Best Ways to

Recover from a workout

Last answer by Cary Crawford 1 year ago:
Mushrooms are an amazing product to add to your diet for their anti-inflammatory properties. It contains a compound ...
Mushrooms are an amazing product to add to your diet for their anti-inflammatory ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Defend on fifa 21'
Best Ways to

Defend on fifa 21

Last answer by Fern Oliver 1 year ago:
A lot of the things you'll do in Fifa are similar to what you'll do to defend in real life. You'll rarely find ...
A lot of the things you'll do in Fifa are similar to what you'll do to defend in ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Promote music'
Best Ways to

Promote music

Last answer by Jonathon Johnson 9 months ago:
It's pretty much certain that if you want to market anything in 2021, social media is a good of a platform as any. ...
It's pretty much certain that if you want to market anything in 2021, social media ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Hide vegetables in food'
Best Ways to

Hide vegetables in food

Last answer by Nicholas Adams 1 week ago:
Mushrooms are a delicious, nutritious addition to any meal, and their naturally meaty texture and umami taste make ...
Mushrooms are a delicious, nutritious addition to any meal, and their naturally meaty ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Resolve conflict in the workplace'
Best Ways to

Resolve conflict in the workplace

Last answer by Bruce Murray 6 months ago:
It's extremely important that, before you make any sort of decision, you give both parties an equal chance to present ...
It's extremely important that, before you make any sort of decision, you give both ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Recognize employees'
Best Ways to

Recognize employees

Last answer by Micheal Reynolds 3 months ago:
Yes, there might be many projects that everyone at the workplace will want to engage in. Unfortunately, it can’t ...
Yes, there might be many projects that everyone at the workplace will want to engage ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Display photos'
Best Ways to

Display photos

Last answer by Eddie Schmidt 6 months ago:
Photos are a great memento to pull out when you’re reminiscing about past moments. The best way to keep them organized ...
Photos are a great memento to pull out when you’re reminiscing about past moments. ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Splatter fake blood'
Best Ways to

Splatter fake blood

Last answer by Tomas Moran 6 months ago:
Think about the final product that you want and see what tools you have at your disposal to get the desired result. For ...
Think about the final product that you want and see what tools you have at your disposal ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Celebrate Father's day'
Best Ways to

Celebrate Father's day

Last answer by Ada Matthews 1 week ago:
Try to put some thought and care into your Father's Day plans. The most lavish dinner in the world doesn't mean ...
Try to put some thought and care into your Father's Day plans. The most lavish dinner ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Store milled grain'
Best Ways to

Store milled grain

Last answer by Douglas Johnson 6 months ago:
Improperly stored milled grain is almost certain to go bad after a specific amount of time. The best way to preserve ...
Improperly stored milled grain is almost certain to go bad after a specific amount ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Cook pork chops'
Best Ways to

Cook pork chops

Last answer by Erin Schmidt 1 year ago:
Making pork chops in the oven is very easy. I like to cook them in the oven since I can cook the vegetables at ...
Making pork chops in the oven is very easy. I like to cook them in the oven since ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Reheat pizza hut pasta'
Best Ways to

Reheat pizza hut pasta

Last answer by Todd Huffman 2 years ago:
Grab an oven-safe bowl or pan and the aluminum pan containing the pasta. From the aluminum pan, remove the desired ...
Grab an oven-safe bowl or pan and the aluminum pan containing the pasta. From the ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Change the display refresh rate on MacOS'
Best Ways to

Change the display refresh rate on MacOS

Last answer by Margie Mann 2 months ago:
The default display refresh rate for Mac is set at 60Hz, and it’s recommended that you keep it unchanged unless ...
The default display refresh rate for Mac is set at 60Hz, and it’s recommended that ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Prevent aspiration pneumonia'
Best Ways to

Prevent aspiration pneumonia

Last answer by Dan Taylor 1 year ago:
Aspiration pneumonia is a chronic breathing disorder that is particularly common among older people. It usually ...
Aspiration pneumonia is a chronic breathing disorder that is particularly common ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Island hop in greece'
Best Ways to

Island hop in greece

Last answer by Ronald Caldwell 2 months ago:
Island hopping in Greece is, no doubt, one of the must-see experiences of the country. You just can't visit Greece ...
Island hopping in Greece is, no doubt, one of the must-see experiences of the country. ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Pick up the phone'
Best Ways to

Pick up the phone

Last answer by Johnny Paul 6 months ago:
No matter who calls, these strategies will help ensure a courteous and professional impression when you pick up ...
No matter who calls, these strategies will help ensure a courteous and professional ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Ask a girl to homecoming'
Best Ways to

Ask a girl to homecoming

Last answer by Candy Porter 1 year ago:
Before you ask a girl out to homecoming, it's important to understand what the girl in question likes. For instance, ...
Before you ask a girl out to homecoming, it's important to understand what the girl ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Compost leaves'
Best Ways to

Compost leaves

Last answer by Eddie Schmidt 2 years ago:
The best way to compost leaves can easily be broken down into four easy to follow steps. Step 1: Some varieties ...
The best way to compost leaves can easily be broken down into four easy to follow ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Store milled flaxseed'
Best Ways to

Store milled flaxseed

Last answer by Terry Coleman 3 weeks ago:
Flaxseed, once ground, can quickly go rancid without its husk keeping it fresh. This is why it's best to mill your ...
Flaxseed, once ground, can quickly go rancid without its husk keeping it fresh. This ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Archive files'
Best Ways to

Archive files

Last answer by Dina Anderson 4 years ago:
Cloud computing services are extremely cheap and easy to purchase in 2021. If you're looking to archive digital ...
Cloud computing services are extremely cheap and easy to purchase in 2021. If you're ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Lubricate garage door'
Best Ways to

Lubricate garage door

Last answer by Daryl Jordan 1 month ago:
Lubricating a garage door is a pretty simple process. Start off by making sure there is no dirt or debris around ...
Lubricating a garage door is a pretty simple process. Start off by making sure there ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Use gopro hero9 as a webcam'
Best Ways to

Use gopro hero9 as a webcam

Last answer by Paula Maldonado 2 years ago:
GoPros are compatible with their own webcam desktop utility that can be downloaded from here. The application is ...
GoPros are compatible with their own webcam desktop utility that can be downloaded ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Legally structure multiple businesses'
Best Ways to

Legally structure multiple businesses

Last answer by Glen Bridges 1 year ago:
Forming separate LLCs for each of your businesses is the best possible way to legally structure your business with ...
Forming separate LLCs for each of your businesses is the best possible way to legally ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Organize a race'
Best Ways to

Organize a race

Last answer by Cora Woodard 8 months ago:
A race can be organized without the assistance of a sponsor but it'll be really difficult without charging the ...
A race can be organized without the assistance of a sponsor but it'll be really difficult ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Organize google classroom'
Best Ways to

Organize google classroom

Last answer by Sylvester Marshall 7 months ago:
The best way to organize everything in a Google Classroom is to number things. It makes it much easier to manage ...
The best way to organize everything in a Google Classroom is to number things. It ...
Answers: 1
1 ... 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ... 28

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