Topics with Most Answers

image for topic 'Become rich'
Best Ways to

Become rich

Last answer by James Reyes 3 months ago:
You don't necessarily need a billion-dollar idea to get rich. You can also get rich in your own profession by pretty ...
You don't necessarily need a billion-dollar idea to get rich. You can also get rich ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Come out as bi'
Best Ways to

Come out as bi

Last answer by William Knox 9 months ago:
No matter who you are, there's always someone in your life that you really want to come out to, but you already ...
No matter who you are, there's always someone in your life that you really want to ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Store winter clothes'
Best Ways to

Store winter clothes

Last answer by Bernard Dixon 5 months ago:
If you haven’t been traveling for a while and your suitcases are lying idle, use them to store your winter clothes. ...
If you haven’t been traveling for a while and your suitcases are lying idle, use ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Make money as a teen'
Best Ways to

Make money as a teen

Last answer by Thomas Flores 3 weeks ago:
In many families, parents create a system in which children get paid to do household chores. This can include things ...
In many families, parents create a system in which children get paid to do household ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Prevent a hangover'
Best Ways to

Prevent a hangover

Last answer by Regina Harding 6 months ago:
There are many factors that contribute to a hangover, but the biggest one is dehydration. Alcohol dampens all of ...
There are many factors that contribute to a hangover, but the biggest one is dehydration. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Learn a language'
Best Ways to

Learn a language

Last answer by Doris Beck 3 months ago:
Learning a language on your own can be overwhelming and rewarding all at the same time. The best way to take this ...
Learning a language on your own can be overwhelming and rewarding all at the same ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Greet in email'
Best Ways to

Greet in email

Last answer by Enrique Barnes 2 months ago:
A great way to greet someone in an email is to provide personal details. This works exceptionally well when you're ...
A great way to greet someone in an email is to provide personal details. This works ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Celebrate Christmas'
Best Ways to

Celebrate Christmas

Last answer by Nancy Barton 1 month ago:
The biggest part of celebrating Christmas is having a big feast with your friends and family. No matter the size ...
The biggest part of celebrating Christmas is having a big feast with your friends ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Keep photos'
Best Ways to

Keep photos

Last answer by Muriel Aguilar 2 weeks ago:
If you want a physical memento of your memories, printing your pictures out can be a great way to make sure you ...
If you want a physical memento of your memories, printing your pictures out can be ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Pay for college without loans'
Best Ways to

Pay for college without loans

Last answer by Rhonda Luna 6 months ago:
Many colleges cost way cheaper than others. Explore your options carefully and apply for colleges that don’t charge ...
Many colleges cost way cheaper than others. Explore your options carefully and apply ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Kill poison ivy'
Best Ways to

Kill poison ivy

Last answer by Noah Morgan 3 weeks ago:
Rinsing your skin with warm soapy water or rubbing alcohol within about an hour after touching the poison ivy can ...
Rinsing your skin with warm soapy water or rubbing alcohol within about an hour after ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Ride a bike in the winter'
Best Ways to

Ride a bike in the winter

Last answer by Kay Weber 3 months ago:
Before hopping onto your bike for your winter ride, you want to make sure you're going to keep your core warm. ...
Before hopping onto your bike for your winter ride, you want to make sure you're ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Pop your back'
Best Ways to

Pop your back

Last answer by Darnell Bryant 3 months ago:
Sit comfortably on the floor and extend your legs in front of you. Bend your right knee and cross it over your ...
Sit comfortably on the floor and extend your legs in front of you. Bend your right ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Photograph the moon'
Best Ways to

Photograph the moon

Last answer by Marty Day 8 months ago:
The moon is thousands of kilometers away. Your camera isn't going to be able to capture it properly without some ...
The moon is thousands of kilometers away. Your camera isn't going to be able to capture ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Retire young'
Best Ways to

Retire young

Last answer by Arthur Harper 4 months ago:
That’s where the magic of discipline works. If you want to save enough for your retirement life, you must be mindful ...
That’s where the magic of discipline works. If you want to save enough for your retirement ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Hold your pee'
Best Ways to

Hold your pee

Last answer by Lacey Mcdonald 12 hours ago:
Instead of sitting and thinking about how urgently you need to pee, focus on the surroundings. Feel the warmth ...
Instead of sitting and thinking about how urgently you need to pee, focus on the ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Prepare the house for sale'
Best Ways to

Prepare the house for sale

Last answer by Bernardo Moore 5 days ago:
When you're selling your home, every single detail can influence a potential buyer's decision to put in an offer. ...
When you're selling your home, every single detail can influence a potential buyer's ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Track sleep'
Best Ways to

Track sleep

Last answer by Niki Giovanis 9 months ago:
One of the most effective ways to track your sleep is to use your sleep tracking app that is on your phone. If ...
One of the most effective ways to track your sleep is to use your sleep tracking ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Remove rust from chrome'
Best Ways to

Remove rust from chrome

Last answer by Clint Baker 10 months ago:
Rust penetrants, as the name suggests, are great at getting rid of rust. Products like WD-40 are pretty deep and ...
Rust penetrants, as the name suggests, are great at getting rid of rust. Products ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Change your mindset'
Best Ways to

Change your mindset

Last answer by Kathy Skinner 2 months ago:
Most people believe that motivation and willpower are all you need to change your mindset. False, because you first ...
Most people believe that motivation and willpower are all you need to change your ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Reheat pizza hut breadsticks'
Best Ways to

Reheat pizza hut breadsticks

Last answer by Jana Klein 1 month ago:
If you want perfectly reheated Pizza Hut Breadsticks, then the best option is to use the oven. Follow these steps ...
If you want perfectly reheated Pizza Hut Breadsticks, then the best option is to ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Spend a weekend in London'
Best Ways to

Spend a weekend in London

Last answer by Loretta Burgess 2 weeks ago:
London is one of those places that gets tourists all around the year because of its history, amazing tourist spots, ...
London is one of those places that gets tourists all around the year because of its ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Break up with someone'
Best Ways to

Break up with someone

Last answer by Niki Giovanis 2 months ago:
Even if you are set on breaking up with your boyfriend, it is always important to let them have their turn to speak ...
Even if you are set on breaking up with your boyfriend, it is always important to ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Value a company'
Best Ways to

Value a company

Last answer by Cornelius Cole 2 months ago:
If you want to find out what a company is worth, you can compare it with a company of the same size such as its ...
If you want to find out what a company is worth, you can compare it with a company ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Intake iron'
Best Ways to

Intake iron

Last answer by Jo Bennett 1 month ago:
Polyphenols are usually found in legumes, tea, cereals, wine, coffee, tea, and some fruits and vegetables. Tea, ...
Polyphenols are usually found in legumes, tea, cereals, wine, coffee, tea, and some ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Wash your hands'
Best Ways to

Wash your hands

Last answer by Rhonda Luna 3 months ago:
Begin by splashing your hands with a bit of water, then squirting a bit of soap into your palms. Lather, making ...
Begin by splashing your hands with a bit of water, then squirting a bit of soap into ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Fund home improvements'
Best Ways to

Fund home improvements

Last answer by George Cervantes 5 months ago:
When it comes to renovation and improvements of your house, there is no other best way to pay for it than your ...
When it comes to renovation and improvements of your house, there is no other best ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Dry milled wood'
Best Ways to

Dry milled wood

Last answer by Addie Watkins 2 months ago:
Drying is the most important part of milling woods. It requires great supervision and expertise. Any mistake in ...
Drying is the most important part of milling woods. It requires great supervision ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Snoop on your boyfriend'
Best Ways to

Snoop on your boyfriend

Last answer by Doug Lindsey 1 year ago:
Are you noticing anything strange in your boyfriend's behavior lately? Is he acting weird? Not showing much interest ...
Are you noticing anything strange in your boyfriend's behavior lately? Is he acting ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Clean exhaust fan filters'
Best Ways to

Clean exhaust fan filters

Last answer by Eileen Williamson 3 months ago:
If the fan filter is a traditional aluminum filter, you can always use your dishwasher for cleaning it. Simply ...
If the fan filter is a traditional aluminum filter, you can always use your dishwasher ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Treat lameness'
Best Ways to

Treat lameness

Last answer by Sonia Butler 8 months ago:
Lameness refers to the condition when someone is unable to move one or two limbs. It is common in both humans and ...
Lameness refers to the condition when someone is unable to move one or two limbs. ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Splice wires'
Best Ways to

Splice wires

Last answer by Estella Koch 2 months ago:
Using a piece of heat shrink is a very effective, seamless way of splicing two wires. Here is how you use a heat ...
Using a piece of heat shrink is a very effective, seamless way of splicing two wires. ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Dust walls'
Best Ways to

Dust walls

Last answer by Gilbert Terry 2 years ago:
The most effective and efficient tool for wall dusting is a vacuum cleaner. We all have them in our houses and ...
The most effective and efficient tool for wall dusting is a vacuum cleaner. We all ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Clean padlocks'
Best Ways to

Clean padlocks

Last answer by Dorothy White 3 months ago:
Padlocks are commonly used for locking establishment main gates. They are very popular for their convenience and ...
Padlocks are commonly used for locking establishment main gates. They are very popular ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Pull a tooth'
Best Ways to

Pull a tooth

Last answer by Eric Henderson 7 months ago:
If we are talking about pulling a tooth out of an adult’s mouth, then the best way is to visit a dentist. Doing ...
If we are talking about pulling a tooth out of an adult’s mouth, then the best way ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Dust hardwood floors'
Best Ways to

Dust hardwood floors

Last answer by Tracie Davis 2 months ago:
Hardwood floors easily catch dust particles. Nobody likes a dusty floor. In this case you might think that sweeping ...
Hardwood floors easily catch dust particles. Nobody likes a dusty floor. In this ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Eradicate bed bugs'
Best Ways to

Eradicate bed bugs

Last answer by Arturo Wilson 2 months ago:
When it comes to bed bugs, you don’t want to take any chances. Seek s professional pest control and ask them to ...
When it comes to bed bugs, you don’t want to take any chances. Seek s professional ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Ripen avocado'
Best Ways to

Ripen avocado

Last answer by Constance White 7 months ago:
A unique thing about Avocado is that it does not ripe while it is on the tree. Inorder to rip it, you must cut ...
A unique thing about Avocado is that it does not ripe while it is on the tree. Inorder ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Drink advocaat'
Best Ways to

Drink advocaat

Last answer by Etta Richardson 1 month ago:
Advocaat is a traditional Dutch drink, considered as alcohol, is made from sugar eggs and brandy. It has a Custer-like ...
Advocaat is a traditional Dutch drink, considered as alcohol, is made from sugar ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Mist plants'
Best Ways to

Mist plants

Last answer by Zachary May 3 months ago:
Houseplants need to be mist properly and regularly. In addition to misting, you can create a humidified environment ...
Houseplants need to be mist properly and regularly. In addition to misting, you can ...
Answers: 2
1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ... 28

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