Topics with Recent Answers

image for topic 'Free up space on iphone'
Best Ways to

Free up space on iphone

Last answer by Jo Bennett 2 months ago:
If you love hooking up your AirPods while you commute to work, you probably have a healthy playlist on your phone. ...
If you love hooking up your AirPods while you commute to work, you probably have ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Transfer money internationally'
Best Ways to

Transfer money internationally

Last answer by Jean Tate 2 months ago:
Wire transfers are a quick, reliable, and mostly safe way to transfer funds online. In fact, when you’re buying ...
Wire transfers are a quick, reliable, and mostly safe way to transfer funds online. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Play with a puppy'
Best Ways to

Play with a puppy

Last answer by Don Moss 2 months ago:
Grab your puppy’s favorite toy and throw it away so that the puppy goes, picks it up, and brings it back to you. ...
Grab your puppy’s favorite toy and throw it away so that the puppy goes, picks it ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Whiten clothes'
Best Ways to

Whiten clothes

Last answer by Cornelia Ferguson 2 months ago:
Got some hydrogen peroxide just sitting in your medicine cabinet? It’s finally time to put it to some good use. ...
Got some hydrogen peroxide just sitting in your medicine cabinet? It’s finally time ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Heat a garage'
Best Ways to

Heat a garage

Last answer by Ramona Terry 2 months ago:
You can install a radiant heating system under the garage floor or as panels in the garage’s walls or ceiling. ...
You can install a radiant heating system under the garage floor or as panels in the ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Dump someone'
Best Ways to

Dump someone

Last answer by Sheri Wolf 2 months ago:
Ask the person to stop reaching out to you. Tell them that they are making you uncomfortable and you want to cut ...
Ask the person to stop reaching out to you. Tell them that they are making you uncomfortab ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Find a Ditto in Pokemon go'
Best Ways to

Find a Ditto in Pokemon go

Last answer by Ryan Johnston 2 months ago:
There's no straightforward sure way of catching a Ditto. This pokemon is one sneaky devil and will hide like other ...
There's no straightforward sure way of catching a Ditto. This pokemon is one sneaky ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Produce serotonin'
Best Ways to

Produce serotonin

Last answer by Jordan Valentine 2 months ago:
Have you heard of the winter blues? Well, they happen for a reason. Science seems to think it is because of the ...
Have you heard of the winter blues? Well, they happen for a reason. Science seems ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Boost immune system'
Best Ways to

Boost immune system

Last answer by Jeanette Fleming 2 months ago:
Studies have shown that sleep and rest help our bodies heal. When the body is at rest or asleep, induction of several ...
Studies have shown that sleep and rest help our bodies heal. When the body is at ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Grow eyelashes'
Best Ways to

Grow eyelashes

Last answer by Doug Lindsey 2 months ago:
As a girl, you have probably heard about eyelash growth serum on Instagram and TikTok. The market is kind of flooded ...
As a girl, you have probably heard about eyelash growth serum on Instagram and TikTok. ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Keep a conversation going'
Best Ways to

Keep a conversation going

Last answer by Glenda Peters 2 months ago:
We all have interests that we are passionate about- be it the projects, your hobbies, or jobs. Take time to note ...
We all have interests that we are passionate about- be it the projects, your hobbies, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Celebrate Christmas'
Best Ways to

Celebrate Christmas

Last answer by Nancy Barton 2 months ago:
The biggest part of celebrating Christmas is having a big feast with your friends and family. No matter the size ...
The biggest part of celebrating Christmas is having a big feast with your friends ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Stimulate your dog'
Best Ways to

Stimulate your dog

Last answer by Glenda Meyer 2 months ago:
Dogs are naturally motivated to complete tasks like herding and hunting. When they’re unable to work on these tasks, ...
Dogs are naturally motivated to complete tasks like herding and hunting. When they’re ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Spend a day off'
Best Ways to

Spend a day off

Last answer by Stewart Nichols 2 months ago:
Nothing can beat the happiness of finding a good piece of clothing randomly. Set a budget and go out shopping. ...
Nothing can beat the happiness of finding a good piece of clothing randomly. Set ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Do market research'
Best Ways to

Do market research

Last answer by Rene Wright 2 months ago:
If you are selling honey flavored peanut butter in a city, you need to know how many people in that city eat peanut ...
If you are selling honey flavored peanut butter in a city, you need to know how many ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Help the environment'
Best Ways to

Help the environment

Last answer by Bernardo Moore 2 months ago:
Charity begins at home. If you want to help the environment, it is important to start making an effort for helping ...
Charity begins at home. If you want to help the environment, it is important to start ...
Answers: 8
image for topic 'Clean laminate floors'
Best Ways to

Clean laminate floors

Last answer by Sally Black 2 months ago:
Abrasive cleaning tools such as steel wool, when cleaning the floors should be avoided as they can cause scratches. ...
Abrasive cleaning tools such as steel wool, when cleaning the floors should be avoided ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Remove blackheads'
Best Ways to

Remove blackheads

Last answer by Guy Dawson 2 months ago:
Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that has exfoliating effects on the skin. It is also great for blackheads removal. ...
Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that has exfoliating effects on the skin. It ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Cover a hickey'
Best Ways to

Cover a hickey

Last answer by Adrian Walters 2 months ago:
The best and the quickest way to hide a hickey is to wear a scarf or a turtle neck. Pair an outfit that can go ...
The best and the quickest way to hide a hickey is to wear a scarf or a turtle neck. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'End a relationship'
Best Ways to

End a relationship

Last answer by Dorothy Branch 2 months ago:
If the relationship is not working despite giving it a chance, again and again, don’t give it another chance. You ...
If the relationship is not working despite giving it a chance, again and again, don’t ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Lubricate garage door'
Best Ways to

Lubricate garage door

Last answer by Daryl Jordan 2 months ago:
Lubricating a garage door is a pretty simple process. Start off by making sure there is no dirt or debris around ...
Lubricating a garage door is a pretty simple process. Start off by making sure there ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Decrease inflammation'
Best Ways to

Decrease inflammation

Last answer by Sarah Patrick 2 months ago:
Make it a point to include leafy greens every day in at least one of your meals. Loading up on a cup of arugula, ...
Make it a point to include leafy greens every day in at least one of your meals. ...
Answers: 3
image for topic 'Have a glow up'
Best Ways to

Have a glow up

Last answer by Leo Norris 2 months ago:
The most refreshing thing for your skin is sleep. Sleep at least 7 hours a day to decrease those dark circles, ...
The most refreshing thing for your skin is sleep. Sleep at least 7 hours a day to ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Lead leaders'
Best Ways to

Lead leaders

Last answer by Lonnie Rose 2 months ago:
Say “yes” way more than you say “no”. Say “yes” even when you’re not entirely sure about something. Saying “yes” ...
Say “yes” way more than you say “no”. Say “yes” even when you’re not entirely sure ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Propose during covid'
Best Ways to

Propose during covid

Last answer by Janelle Lopez 2 months ago:
Although you are at home and it sounds boring to propose at home, you can still make the proposal magical. Order ...
Although you are at home and it sounds boring to propose at home, you can still make ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Intake magnesium'
Best Ways to

Intake magnesium

Last answer by Eddie Schmidt 2 months ago:
If your body is in need of magnesium, consider taking a supplement. Just be sure not to overdo it, or you risk ...
If your body is in need of magnesium, consider taking a supplement. Just be sure ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Get stains out of a carpet'
Best Ways to

Get stains out of a carpet

Last answer by Denise Marshall 2 months ago:
Remove as much of the stain as you can with a damp paper towel. Then, combine 1/4 cup of white vinegar, a tablespoon ...
Remove as much of the stain as you can with a damp paper towel. Then, combine 1/4 ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Exfoliate face'
Best Ways to

Exfoliate face

Last answer by Billy Powell 2 months ago:
Lemon is acidic and removes dead skin from your face. It also brightens your skin. Apply lemon juice on your face ...
Lemon is acidic and removes dead skin from your face. It also brightens your skin. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Improve SEO'
Best Ways to

Improve SEO

Last answer by Cornelius Burke 2 months ago:
There are hundreds of keywords that people use on google when they are looking for something. If you want to rank ...
There are hundreds of keywords that people use on google when they are looking for ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Relieve tension headaches'
Best Ways to

Relieve tension headaches

Last answer by George Cervantes 2 months ago:
Tension headaches are the pain in your scalp and forehead. They can occur at any time due to a number of reasons ...
Tension headaches are the pain in your scalp and forehead. They can occur at any ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Grow fuchsia'
Best Ways to

Grow fuchsia

Last answer by Milton Walker 2 months ago:
Fuchsias cannot endure heat. It requires shade in the daytime and cool temperature at night. The variant of your ...
Fuchsias cannot endure heat. It requires shade in the daytime and cool temperature ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Fumigate a car'
Best Ways to

Fumigate a car

Last answer by Jerry Howard 2 months ago:
Fumigating a car is a lot more difficult than fumigating an entire home. There is a lot of small, inaccessible ...
Fumigating a car is a lot more difficult than fumigating an entire home. There is ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Stop nosebleeds'
Best Ways to

Stop nosebleeds

Last answer by Alfredo Richardson 2 months ago:
An ice pack can help constrict the blood vessels and avoid bleeding. Use a towel to enclose some ice cubes and ...
An ice pack can help constrict the blood vessels and avoid bleeding. Use a towel ...
Answers: 7
image for topic 'Photograph jewelry'
Best Ways to

Photograph jewelry

Last answer by Sammy Hawkins 2 months ago:
Develop a set of photography guidelines for your jewelry and follow them. Consistency is key in product photography, ...
Develop a set of photography guidelines for your jewelry and follow them. Consistency ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Sit during pregnancy'
Best Ways to

Sit during pregnancy

Last answer by Muriel Aguilar 2 months ago:
You can make use of a balance ball as a sitting position during the third trimester of preganancy, as this can ...
You can make use of a balance ball as a sitting position during the third trimester ...
Answers: 2
image for topic 'Decorate a cake'
Best Ways to

Decorate a cake

Last answer by Sammy Hawkins 2 months ago:
In a bowl melt some chocolate, butter, and whisk in some icing sugar. Combine everything in a runny paste and let ...
In a bowl melt some chocolate, butter, and whisk in some icing sugar. Combine everything ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Warm up breast milk'
Best Ways to

Warm up breast milk

Last answer by Mack Boyd 2 months ago:
Breast milk does not need to be warmed up or heated. It can be served at room temperature without any issue. However, ...
Breast milk does not need to be warmed up or heated. It can be served at room temperature ...
Answers: 1
image for topic 'Erase pen writing'
Best Ways to

Erase pen writing

Last answer by Laurel Wade 2 months ago:
If you have some nail polish remover lying around the house, go grab it because it most likely has acetone in it ...
If you have some nail polish remover lying around the house, go grab it because it ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Lure deer'
Best Ways to

Lure deer

Last answer by Martha Patel 2 months ago:
Deer can smell 500-1000 times better than humans. Deer may not know you are near, but as soon as the wind starts ...
Deer can smell 500-1000 times better than humans. Deer may not know you are near, ...
Answers: 4
image for topic 'Whiten shoes'
Best Ways to

Whiten shoes

Last answer by Kelly Turner 2 months ago:
Toothpastes find another use external to the human mouth, way down on the shoes. Find an old toothbrush and add ...
Toothpastes find another use external to the human mouth, way down on the shoes. ...
Answers: 5
1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... 21

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