Topics with Fewest Answers

image for topic 'Pet a dog'
Best Ways to

Pet a dog

Last answer by Janelle Hampton 2 months ago:
Hugging your dog is okay because your dog allows you to hug them. Your dog knows that you are a hugger and as a ...
Hugging your dog is okay because your dog allows you to hug them. Your dog knows ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Remove blackheads'
Best Ways to

Remove blackheads

Last answer by Guy Dawson 2 months ago:
Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that has exfoliating effects on the skin. It is also great for blackheads removal. ...
Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that has exfoliating effects on the skin. It ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Prevent acne'
Best Ways to

Prevent acne

Last answer by Karen Williamson 2 months ago:
We are all guilty of it. Without even thinking about it, we touch our faces multiple times every minute. It may ...
We are all guilty of it. Without even thinking about it, we touch our faces multiple ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Work from home'
Best Ways to

Work from home

Last answer by Ulysses Schneider 3 months ago:
When working from home, you might require a faster and reliable internet connection. If you have a slow internet ...
When working from home, you might require a faster and reliable internet connection. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Intake vitamin C'
Best Ways to

Intake vitamin C

Last answer by Olga Henderson 3 months ago:
Black currants are natural sources of vitamin C that carry four times the amount of Vitamin C as compared to oranges. ...
Black currants are natural sources of vitamin C that carry four times the amount ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Fatten up a dog'
Best Ways to

Fatten up a dog

Last answer by Ricardo Hickman 1 week ago:
Some dogs are spoiled dogs are picky eaters and they like to eat what they want to eat. If you adopted the dog, ...
Some dogs are spoiled dogs are picky eaters and they like to eat what they want to ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Stick to a diet'
Best Ways to

Stick to a diet

Last answer by Maxwell Hudson 8 months ago:
We all understand that we need snacks sometimes when we are starving and getting rid of them altogether will only ...
We all understand that we need snacks sometimes when we are starving and getting ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Buy a car'
Best Ways to

Buy a car

Last answer by Wanda Wade 1 day ago:
After you have purchased the car, the car dealer may take you to his office and start offering you gap insurance ...
After you have purchased the car, the car dealer may take you to his office and start ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Exfoliate face'
Best Ways to

Exfoliate face

Last answer by Billy Powell 2 months ago:
Lemon is acidic and removes dead skin from your face. It also brightens your skin. Apply lemon juice on your face ...
Lemon is acidic and removes dead skin from your face. It also brightens your skin. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Organize your room'
Best Ways to

Organize your room

Last answer by Carey Mills 2 weeks ago:
We often have things at our house that we don’t have space for. Your room could be cluttered because you don’t ...
We often have things at our house that we don’t have space for. Your room could be ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Find a missing cat'
Best Ways to

Find a missing cat

Last answer by Monique Hernandez 1 week ago:
Most indoor cats that are lost are wandering or hiding outside the house within a 17-house radius which is roughly ...
Most indoor cats that are lost are wandering or hiding outside the house within a ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Introduce a puppy to an older dog'
Best Ways to

Introduce a puppy to an older dog

Last answer by Randy Dotson 1 month ago:
The first time your puppies meet, they will want to discover each other. They'll sniff the other dog, maybe even ...
The first time your puppies meet, they will want to discover each other. They'll ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Grill chicken'
Best Ways to

Grill chicken

Last answer by Sherri Gonzales 1 month ago:
To make the marination for chicken you’ll need: 1 tbsp. lime juice 1 tsp. chili powder 1/2 tsp. cumin 2 tbsp. lime ...
To make the marination for chicken you’ll need: 1 tbsp. lime juice 1 tsp. chili powder 1/2 ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Whiten clothes'
Best Ways to

Whiten clothes

Last answer by Cornelia Ferguson 2 months ago:
Got some hydrogen peroxide just sitting in your medicine cabinet? It’s finally time to put it to some good use. ...
Got some hydrogen peroxide just sitting in your medicine cabinet? It’s finally time ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Name a business'
Best Ways to

Name a business

Last answer by Bruce Murray 1 month ago:
In moving with the modern world, most businesses run through their website now. My preference is to always look ...
In moving with the modern world, most businesses run through their website now. My ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Become a morning person'
Best Ways to

Become a morning person

Last answer by Kenneth Mays 1 month ago:
Before you go to bed, try to make sure you have everything done for the day and prepared for the next morning. ...
Before you go to bed, try to make sure you have everything done for the day and prepared ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Smell good'
Best Ways to

Smell good

Last answer by Laurel Wade 1 month ago:
When washing your hair, it is vital to clean the scalp too. Oil and dirt on the scalp can be a reason for bad smell. ...
When washing your hair, it is vital to clean the scalp too. Oil and dirt on the scalp ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Flirt with your boyfriend'
Best Ways to

Flirt with your boyfriend

Last answer by Sally Black 2 months ago:
Men and Women, both equally love surprises. Your boyfriend also loves surprise as much as you do. So try to plan ...
Men and Women, both equally love surprises. Your boyfriend also loves surprise as ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Warm up when cold'
Best Ways to

Warm up when cold

Last answer by Marcy Graham 3 weeks ago:
Remember the last time you gulped down a bunch of jalapenos or you put a ton of Tabasco in your sandwich? Do you ...
Remember the last time you gulped down a bunch of jalapenos or you put a ton of Tabasco ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Ask a girl out'
Best Ways to

Ask a girl out

Last answer by Angelica Garcia 2 days ago:
Know her likes, interests, and nature. Be genuinely interested in her talks and try to start a conversation that ...
Know her likes, interests, and nature. Be genuinely interested in her talks and try ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Replace wheat bread'
Best Ways to

Replace wheat bread

Last answer by Gwendolyn Walter 1 month ago:
Sourdough bread is made from fermented grains. This bread is easy to digest and is more nutritious than regular ...
Sourdough bread is made from fermented grains. This bread is easy to digest and is ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Decorate a cake'
Best Ways to

Decorate a cake

Last answer by Sammy Hawkins 2 months ago:
In a bowl melt some chocolate, butter, and whisk in some icing sugar. Combine everything in a runny paste and let ...
In a bowl melt some chocolate, butter, and whisk in some icing sugar. Combine everything ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Surprise your boyfriend'
Best Ways to

Surprise your boyfriend

Last answer by Brett Dorsey 1 month ago:
Men love to see you dress the way they want you to look. To surprise him, wear a dress he bought you or do something ...
Men love to see you dress the way they want you to look. To surprise him, wear a ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Exercise your dog'
Best Ways to

Exercise your dog

Last answer by Royce Benson 3 months ago:
A lot of dogs like retrievers are natural swimmers and love some swim time every once in a while. It’s also ideal ...
A lot of dogs like retrievers are natural swimmers and love some swim time every ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Get skinny'
Best Ways to

Get skinny

Last answer by Brandy Swanson 10 months ago:
Your muscle movement slows down while you sleep. Therefore, your metabolism rate decreases at night as well. If ...
Your muscle movement slows down while you sleep. Therefore, your metabolism rate ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Smooth skin'
Best Ways to

Smooth skin

Last answer by Wilbur Parks 5 months ago:
Make water your best friend! Water has many benefits for us. Water not only helps flush out all the toxins from ...
Make water your best friend! Water has many benefits for us. Water not only helps ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Quit a job'
Best Ways to

Quit a job

Last answer by Earnest Anderson 7 months ago:
You don't want to be remembered as the person who slacked off during the last two weeks on the job. Keep a strong ...
You don't want to be remembered as the person who slacked off during the last two ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Propose to your girlfriend'
Best Ways to

Propose to your girlfriend

Last answer by Jordan Valentine 4 weeks ago:
This beach proposal idea is always super chic and romantic. Take your partner to the beach in the evening when ...
This beach proposal idea is always super chic and romantic. Take your partner to ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Litter train a bunny'
Best Ways to

Litter train a bunny

Last answer by Brett Dorsey 2 months ago:
Rabbits are one of the easiest pets to litter train because of one particular habit. Bunnies tend to eat and poop ...
Rabbits are one of the easiest pets to litter train because of one particular habit. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Surprise your girlfriend'
Best Ways to

Surprise your girlfriend

Last answer by Rudolph Powers 1 day ago:
Girlfriends are always asking their boyfriends to wear their favorite type of clothes. If your girlfriend has been ...
Girlfriends are always asking their boyfriends to wear their favorite type of clothes. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Winterize your house'
Best Ways to

Winterize your house

Last answer by Fern Richard 5 months ago:
Baking something in winter with the kitchen door open can help keep the house warm. Instead of cooking, try more ...
Baking something in winter with the kitchen door open can help keep the house warm. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Lay for lower back pain'
Best Ways to

Lay for lower back pain

Last answer by Summer Spencer 4 weeks ago:
If you sleep on your sides instead of sleeping straight, then this is a good position to help with your back pain. ...
If you sleep on your sides instead of sleeping straight, then this is a good position ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Intake vitamin D'
Best Ways to

Intake vitamin D

Last answer by Jodi Clark 4 months ago:
Red meat, liver, egg yolks, mushrooms, and salmon are rich sources of vitamin D. Your daily food intake should ...
Red meat, liver, egg yolks, mushrooms, and salmon are rich sources of vitamin D. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Eat peanut butter'
Best Ways to

Eat peanut butter

Last answer by Elaine Ray 3 months ago:
Just like a lot of people are fans of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but some people like me like to experiment ...
Just like a lot of people are fans of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but some ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Surprise your husband'
Best Ways to

Surprise your husband

Last answer by Garry Martin 2 weeks ago:
A massage can easily change your husband's mood and make him feel loved and cared for. To surprise your husband, ...
A massage can easily change your husband's mood and make him feel loved and cared ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Fall back asleep'
Best Ways to

Fall back asleep

Last answer by Winnie Fisher 4 days ago:
It’s always irresistible to see who has liked or commented on your picture, or see if you have any other interesting ...
It’s always irresistible to see who has liked or commented on your picture, or see ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Disinfect granite countertops'
Best Ways to

Disinfect granite countertops

Last answer by Alexander Cook 2 months ago:
A little dishwashing liquid mixed in water is perfect for disinfecting granite countertops because the soap strips ...
A little dishwashing liquid mixed in water is perfect for disinfecting granite countertops ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Cover a hickey'
Best Ways to

Cover a hickey

Last answer by Adrian Walters 2 months ago:
The best and the quickest way to hide a hickey is to wear a scarf or a turtle neck. Pair an outfit that can go ...
The best and the quickest way to hide a hickey is to wear a scarf or a turtle neck. ...
Answers: 6
image for topic 'Photograph lightning'
Best Ways to

Photograph lightning

Last answer by Julie Walsh 4 months ago:
Shooting a streak of lightning looks amazing, but it does not tell us anything else from the picture. Create a ...
Shooting a streak of lightning looks amazing, but it does not tell us anything else ...
Answers: 6
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