Topics with Fewest Answers

image for topic 'Hang pictures'
Best Ways to

Hang pictures

Last answer by Stan White 4 months ago:
When you want to hang a picture, you should visualize what is the perfect spot and how you should make the pictures ...
When you want to hang a picture, you should visualize what is the perfect spot and ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Learn how to skateboard'
Best Ways to

Learn how to skateboard

Last answer by Glenn Reynolds 3 weeks ago:
The first step to learning how to ride a skateboard is figuring out which stance you're the most comfortable with. ...
The first step to learning how to ride a skateboard is figuring out which stance ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Text a girl'
Best Ways to

Text a girl

Last answer by Ollie Montgomery 2 weeks ago:
There's nothing more unattractive than watching a guy write write 'y' instead of 'why' just because it saves time. ...
There's nothing more unattractive than watching a guy write write 'y' instead of ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Budget food'
Best Ways to

Budget food

Last answer by Lisa Adams 9 months ago:
You cannot go to spending $100 a week when you had been spending $200 a week in the past month. To lower the amount, ...
You cannot go to spending $100 a week when you had been spending $200 a week in the ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Not be tired'
Best Ways to

Not be tired

Last answer by Gloria Watkins 6 months ago:
Regular exercise makes our body tougher as it prepares our muscles to take the stress. In the long run, it can ...
Regular exercise makes our body tougher as it prepares our muscles to take the stress. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Dump someone'
Best Ways to

Dump someone

Last answer by Sheri Wolf 2 months ago:
Ask the person to stop reaching out to you. Tell them that they are making you uncomfortable and you want to cut ...
Ask the person to stop reaching out to you. Tell them that they are making you uncomfortab ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Cook chicken'
Best Ways to

Cook chicken

Last answer by Loretta Burgess 6 months ago:
Bake or fry chicken breasts in olive oil with some salt and pepper seasoning. Cut the chicken breasts into small ...
Bake or fry chicken breasts in olive oil with some salt and pepper seasoning. Cut ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Prevent hair loss'
Best Ways to

Prevent hair loss

Last answer by Maureen Warren 1 month ago:
So far, we have two clinically approved drug for hair loss prevention- minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil works ...
So far, we have two clinically approved drug for hair loss prevention- minoxidil ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Socialize your puppy'
Best Ways to

Socialize your puppy

Last answer by Tara Harper 3 months ago:
When the pup has received the required vaccinations, you can bring him to puppy classes. Not only are puppy classes ...
When the pup has received the required vaccinations, you can bring him to puppy classes. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Survive covid'
Best Ways to

Survive covid

Last answer by Steve Blake 5 months ago:
Water is the most essential drink that your body needs for proper functioning. To avoid developing diarrhea, drink ...
Water is the most essential drink that your body needs for proper functioning. To ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Change bad habits'
Best Ways to

Change bad habits

Last answer by Faye Cummings 3 days ago:
I had a bad habit of smoking weed and I desperately wanted to break it. Luckily, I had a guy best friend who helped ...
I had a bad habit of smoking weed and I desperately wanted to break it. Luckily, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Write a resume'
Best Ways to

Write a resume

Last answer by Jacquelyn Lee 2 weeks ago:
Every employer needs one thing to seal the deal with you; your contact information. It's probably the most fundamentally ...
Every employer needs one thing to seal the deal with you; your contact information. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Hide cash'
Best Ways to

Hide cash

Last answer by Dustin Mccoy 4 weeks ago:
If you want to hide 5-10 bills, you can easily hide them in a book that has 300 or more pages. Don’t put all the ...
If you want to hide 5-10 bills, you can easily hide them in a book that has 300 or ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Compliment someone'
Best Ways to

Compliment someone

Last answer by Lori Morgan 1 week ago:
The reason for a compliment does not have to be something extraordinary. Compliments can spread happiness and joy. ...
The reason for a compliment does not have to be something extraordinary. Compliments ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Run faster'
Best Ways to

Run faster

Last answer by Devin Hill 5 days ago:
One of the first ways to increase your potential speed is to activate your muscles and joints before you start ...
One of the first ways to increase your potential speed is to activate your muscles ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Reset your body'
Best Ways to

Reset your body

Last answer by Ryan Johnston 1 week ago:
No, we are not talking about fancy beverages you find at Starbucks. You need natural fruits and vegetable smoothies ...
No, we are not talking about fancy beverages you find at Starbucks. You need natural ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Describe someone'
Best Ways to

Describe someone

Last answer by Candy Porter 1 month ago:
Describing by character means telling others who they are on the inside. In general, people are kind, mean, friendly, ...
Describing by character means telling others who they are on the inside. In general, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Stop drug addiction'
Best Ways to

Stop drug addiction

Last answer by Martha Patel 2 weeks ago:
The best way to overcome an addiction is to seek the proper help. Once you've detoxed and gotten rid of the addiction ...
The best way to overcome an addiction is to seek the proper help. Once you've detoxed ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Intake ginger'
Best Ways to

Intake ginger

Last answer by Robin Walker 2 days ago:
To hydrate yourself and have the nutrition of ginger and lemon you can add lemon and ginger to the water. Peel ...
To hydrate yourself and have the nutrition of ginger and lemon you can add lemon ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Do cardio'
Best Ways to

Do cardio

Last answer by Garry Martin 1 month ago:
Fast walking can help increase your heartbeat and anything that helps you increase your heartbeat is cardio. Make ...
Fast walking can help increase your heartbeat and anything that helps you increase ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Express love'
Best Ways to

Express love

Last answer by Stan White 3 weeks ago:
No relationship is perfect. Oftentimes we find ourselves having arguments with the ones we love. Arguments are ...
No relationship is perfect. Oftentimes we find ourselves having arguments with the ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Burp a baby'
Best Ways to

Burp a baby

Last answer by Niki Giovanis 3 weeks ago:
Burping your baby after they have fed is important so they do not feel sick and get fussy. One of the most effective ...
Burping your baby after they have fed is important so they do not feel sick and get ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Quench thirst'
Best Ways to

Quench thirst

Last answer by Sharon Glass 2 months ago:
Consuming fried foods and salty food can make us thirsty. I often have trouble falling asleep when I eat too much ...
Consuming fried foods and salty food can make us thirsty. I often have trouble falling ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Flirt with a girl in person'
Best Ways to

Flirt with a girl in person

Last answer by Grace Austin 6 months ago:
Women hate compliments that compare them or insult them. A compliment that insults her kind, race, gender, or anything ...
Women hate compliments that compare them or insult them. A compliment that insults ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Reduce your carbon footprint'
Best Ways to

Reduce your carbon footprint

Last answer by Kim Ross 5 days ago:
Carbon dioxide emissions from transportation are the biggest cause of greenhouse gases. Whenever possible, try ...
Carbon dioxide emissions from transportation are the biggest cause of greenhouse ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Sneak out of the house'
Best Ways to

Sneak out of the house

Last answer by Pamela Torres 4 weeks ago:
You make an excellent plan to get out of the house but at night you notice that someone locked the front door and ...
You make an excellent plan to get out of the house but at night you notice that someone ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Lubricate door hinges'
Best Ways to

Lubricate door hinges

Last answer by Joanna Morris 1 week ago:
Most unpleasant creaky noises result from rust on the door hinges. The metals rust and sliding rusty metals produce ...
Most unpleasant creaky noises result from rust on the door hinges. The metals rust ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Declutter'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Wallace Mckinney 1 week ago:
For someone who is used to living in a cluttered house, decluttering can be a hard job. You cannot declutter the ...
For someone who is used to living in a cluttered house, decluttering can be a hard ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Propose to a man'
Best Ways to

Propose to a man

Last answer by Gilbert Terry 3 weeks ago:
A lot of men like to keep things private and intimate and if your boyfriend is one of them then a great way to ...
A lot of men like to keep things private and intimate and if your boyfriend is one ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Eradicate poverty'
Best Ways to

Eradicate poverty

Last answer by Alan Vega 7 months ago:
Education empowers the poor to pave their own way to their economic well-being without requiring much assistance ...
Education empowers the poor to pave their own way to their economic well-being without ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Remove rust from cast iron'
Best Ways to

Remove rust from cast iron

Last answer by Eric Henderson 5 months ago:
To remove a tough layer of rust from your cast iron pan, wet the surface with water and place it in the sink. You ...
To remove a tough layer of rust from your cast iron pan, wet the surface with water ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Prospect on linkedin'
Best Ways to

Prospect on linkedin

Last answer by Lois Craig 1 month ago:
Connections and networking are everything on LinkedIn especially if your business is highly dependent on prospecting. ...
Connections and networking are everything on LinkedIn especially if your business ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Help someone with depression'
Best Ways to

Help someone with depression

Last answer by Penny Moss 1 month ago:
The most you can do for your depressed friend is lend them your ear. Empathize with them and acknowledge the fact ...
The most you can do for your depressed friend is lend them your ear. Empathize with ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Make rice'
Best Ways to

Make rice

Last answer by Stan White 6 months ago:
Once you're comfortable making rice, you have the ratios down and your washing technique is impeccable, you may ...
Once you're comfortable making rice, you have the ratios down and your washing technique ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Train a dog'
Best Ways to

Train a dog

Last answer by Chester Vasquez 1 month ago:
Dogs can be pretty overwhelmed by extensive training sessions. Two hours of training for dogs is equivalent to ...
Dogs can be pretty overwhelmed by extensive training sessions. Two hours of training ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Hold a newborn baby'
Best Ways to

Hold a newborn baby

Last answer by Jacob Richards 1 month ago:
Holding a baby can make you nervous and excited at the same time. Always wash your hands before holding a newborn ...
Holding a baby can make you nervous and excited at the same time. Always wash your ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Whiten shoes'
Best Ways to

Whiten shoes

Last answer by Kelly Turner 2 months ago:
Toothpastes find another use external to the human mouth, way down on the shoes. Find an old toothbrush and add ...
Toothpastes find another use external to the human mouth, way down on the shoes. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Flirt online'
Best Ways to

Flirt online

Last answer by Eddy Fuller 7 months ago:
When you are into someone, you might think about them all day and send them texts every 20 minutes. However, this ...
When you are into someone, you might think about them all day and send them texts ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Fatten up a horse'
Best Ways to

Fatten up a horse

Last answer by Frederick Taylor 1 month ago:
The most common reason for an underweight horse is an underlying illness. Common illnesses such as fever or diarrhea ...
The most common reason for an underweight horse is an underlying illness. Common ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Produce serotonin'
Best Ways to

Produce serotonin

Last answer by Jordan Valentine 2 months ago:
Have you heard of the winter blues? Well, they happen for a reason. Science seems to think it is because of the ...
Have you heard of the winter blues? Well, they happen for a reason. Science seems ...
Answers: 5
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