Topics with Fewest Answers

image for topic 'Flirt on snap'
Best Ways to

Flirt on snap

Last answer by Harry Cole 5 months ago:
The fewer pictures and videos you share with the person, the better. No one wants to see 10 photos of unknown people ...
The fewer pictures and videos you share with the person, the better. No one wants ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Help period cramps'
Best Ways to

Help period cramps

Last answer by Maureen Stone 2 weeks ago:
Sometimes your cramps aren't so bad. And sometimes they take over your entire body and make you want to cry endlessly. ...
Sometimes your cramps aren't so bad. And sometimes they take over your entire body ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Take notes'
Best Ways to

Take notes

Last answer by Ana Love 2 months ago:
It is a unique notes taking method that you can apply in different situations. First of all, you have to divide ...
It is a unique notes taking method that you can apply in different situations. First ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Produce dopamine'
Best Ways to

Produce dopamine

Last answer by Jonathon Johnson 4 months ago:
Exposure to sunlight helps increase the levels of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, including dopamine. However, ...
Exposure to sunlight helps increase the levels of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Compose a business email'
Best Ways to

Compose a business email

Last answer by Miguel Greene 1 month ago:
When sending an email be courteous and polite. It is not a causal email to your friend; therefore, you need to ...
When sending an email be courteous and polite. It is not a causal email to your friend; ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Stop snoring'
Best Ways to

Stop snoring

Last answer by Carlos Ball 5 months ago:
Sometimes snoring can be caused by something as simple as sleep posture. If you usually sleep on your back, try ...
Sometimes snoring can be caused by something as simple as sleep posture. If you usually ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Kill ivy on fence'
Best Ways to

Kill ivy on fence

Last answer by Maxine Allen 3 days ago:
To let the ivy dry up on its own, you need to cut it from everywhere so that portions of it start dying. Killing ...
To let the ivy dry up on its own, you need to cut it from everywhere so that portions ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Purify water'
Best Ways to

Purify water

Last answer by Eric Henderson 3 weeks ago:
The distillation method involves heating the water and collecting it in the form of vapor. As per scientific evidence, ...
The distillation method involves heating the water and collecting it in the form ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'End a speech'
Best Ways to

End a speech

Last answer by Russell Holland 7 months ago:
If you want your audience to clearly distinguish something at the end of the speech, you should go for a contrast ...
If you want your audience to clearly distinguish something at the end of the speech, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Train a puppy'
Best Ways to

Train a puppy

Last answer by Anna Hansen 2 weeks ago:
When the puppy is 14-16 weeks old, the puppy might get scared of new people, new places, and circumstances. The ...
When the puppy is 14-16 weeks old, the puppy might get scared of new people, new ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Prepone periods'
Best Ways to

Prepone periods

Last answer by Sharon Glass 13 hours ago:
Sexual activity leads to improved blood circulation, particularly in the pelvic region and the uterus, stimulating ...
Sexual activity leads to improved blood circulation, particularly in the pelvic region ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Eat granola'
Best Ways to

Eat granola

Last answer by Rhoda Robinson 23 hours ago:
Granola cookies are just like oatmeal cookies but with extra nuts and dry fruits. To make granola cookies, you ...
Granola cookies are just like oatmeal cookies but with extra nuts and dry fruits. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Drink tequila'
Best Ways to

Drink tequila

Last answer by Aaron Holman 5 months ago:
If you enjoy sipping tequila the right way, then here are some tips on how to drink tequila. -       Pour one ounce ...
If you enjoy sipping tequila the right way, then here are some tips on how to drink ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Hydrate your body'
Best Ways to

Hydrate your body

Last answer by Maxine Allen 4 weeks ago:
Drinking water can be very boring sometimes so switch to fresh juice. Juice carrots, oranges, apples, or any other ...
Drinking water can be very boring sometimes so switch to fresh juice. Juice carrots, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Kill bed bugs'
Best Ways to

Kill bed bugs

Last answer by Robert Thomas 11 months ago:
Bed bugs hide inside the lining of your mattress or inside the mattress. If you have been noticing bed bug bites ...
Bed bugs hide inside the lining of your mattress or inside the mattress. If you have ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Clean rabbit hutch'
Best Ways to

Clean rabbit hutch

Last answer by Betsy Davidson 3 weeks ago:
If you have put fabric bedding in the rabbit’s cage, you need to wash it every week. Throw away the old bedding ...
If you have put fabric bedding in the rabbit’s cage, you need to wash it every week. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Spend a rainy day'
Best Ways to

Spend a rainy day

Last answer by Norman Mcguire 6 days ago:
A rainy day can make you cranky if you had outdoor plans and they were canceled. To relax and have a good day at ...
A rainy day can make you cranky if you had outdoor plans and they were canceled. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Start a conversation on tinder'
Best Ways to

Start a conversation on tinder

Last answer by Cary Crawford 1 year ago:
A great way to have a conversation on Tinder is to start a conversation. It sounds obvious, but many people on ...
A great way to have a conversation on Tinder is to start a conversation. It sounds ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Keep a conversation going'
Best Ways to

Keep a conversation going

Last answer by Glenda Peters 2 months ago:
We all have interests that we are passionate about- be it the projects, your hobbies, or jobs. Take time to note ...
We all have interests that we are passionate about- be it the projects, your hobbies, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Gain weight'
Best Ways to

Gain weight

Last answer by Jeanette Fleming 1 week ago:
A calorie surplus is created when you consume more calories than you burn. The larger calorie surplus you create, ...
A calorie surplus is created when you consume more calories than you burn. The larger ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Freshen your home'
Best Ways to

Freshen your home

Last answer by Clayton Bell 4 weeks ago:
The house automatically feels fresh and improves your mood with the addition of plants. They are small supplies ...
The house automatically feels fresh and improves your mood with the addition of plants. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Intake calcium'
Best Ways to

Intake calcium

Last answer by Hazel Robinson 2 weeks ago:
Researches have shown that calcium in dairy products is absorbed more readily in our body as compared to plant-based ...
Researches have shown that calcium in dairy products is absorbed more readily in ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Dust wood furniture'
Best Ways to

Dust wood furniture

Last answer by Eddy Fuller 4 weeks ago:
Sometimes dusting with a cloth is not enough. I have an old dresser at my house that often becomes really dusty ...
Sometimes dusting with a cloth is not enough. I have an old dresser at my house that ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Have a glow up'
Best Ways to

Have a glow up

Last answer by Leo Norris 2 months ago:
The most refreshing thing for your skin is sleep. Sleep at least 7 hours a day to decrease those dark circles, ...
The most refreshing thing for your skin is sleep. Sleep at least 7 hours a day to ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Get odor out of carpet'
Best Ways to

Get odor out of carpet

Last answer by Nicholas Adams 1 week ago:
Odor in your carpet is a result of humidity in your room. To get rid of the smell, you need to let some fresh air ...
Odor in your carpet is a result of humidity in your room. To get rid of the smell, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Transfer money internationally'
Best Ways to

Transfer money internationally

Last answer by Jean Tate 2 months ago:
Wire transfers are a quick, reliable, and mostly safe way to transfer funds online. In fact, when you’re buying ...
Wire transfers are a quick, reliable, and mostly safe way to transfer funds online. ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Produce collagen'
Best Ways to

Produce collagen

Last answer by Thelma Hansen 5 months ago:
Hyaluronic acid is a compound that’s important for collagen production. Amino-acid rich foods like root vegetables, ...
Hyaluronic acid is a compound that’s important for collagen production. Amino-acid ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Become fit quickly'
Best Ways to

Become fit quickly

Last answer by Guy Dawson 2 months ago:
There's no way to lose fifty pounds in a day, or to go from couch potato to marathon runner in a week, with enough ...
There's no way to lose fifty pounds in a day, or to go from couch potato to marathon ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Cheer yourself up'
Best Ways to

Cheer yourself up

Last answer by Elisa Hunt 3 months ago:
For some people, food is the best way to make them happy. If you are having a bad day or are just tired, eat out. ...
For some people, food is the best way to make them happy. If you are having a bad ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Date without apps'
Best Ways to

Date without apps

Last answer by Candy Porter 2 months ago:
Staying away from people and living under a rock significantly decreases your chances of finding that special someone. ...
Staying away from people and living under a rock significantly decreases your chances ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Come out as gay'
Best Ways to

Come out as gay

Last answer by Winnie Fisher 2 weeks ago:
If you don’t feel 100 percent about coming out to your parents and family directly, try to come out to someone ...
If you don’t feel 100 percent about coming out to your parents and family directly, ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Engage students online'
Best Ways to

Engage students online

Last answer by Violet Williams 6 months ago:
Online education has some drawbacks when coming to the interest and attention of students. However, it does provide ...
Online education has some drawbacks when coming to the interest and attention of ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Network on linkedin'
Best Ways to

Network on linkedin

Last answer by Rosie Bishop 3 months ago:
Sharing your post is a great way of increasing engagement on your profile. You can share your thoughts on the latest ...
Sharing your post is a great way of increasing engagement on your profile. You can ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Not go to school'
Best Ways to

Not go to school

Last answer by Darnell Bryant 5 days ago:
When you have plans for a day at home like going to pick up your cousins from the airport or playing with the new ...
When you have plans for a day at home like going to pick up your cousins from the ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Photograph jeans'
Best Ways to

Photograph jeans

Last answer by Yvette Johns 1 week ago:
Jeans look much better when they are worn. Find a person who can fit perfectly into those jeans and start taking ...
Jeans look much better when they are worn. Find a person who can fit perfectly into ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Change your hair'
Best Ways to

Change your hair

Last answer by Clint Martin 3 months ago:
Instead of dying your hair a different color, just get a few accessories to change your hair. A hairband, silk ...
Instead of dying your hair a different color, just get a few accessories to change ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Relieve tension headaches'
Best Ways to

Relieve tension headaches

Last answer by George Cervantes 2 months ago:
Tension headaches are the pain in your scalp and forehead. They can occur at any time due to a number of reasons ...
Tension headaches are the pain in your scalp and forehead. They can occur at any ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Exfoliate skin'
Best Ways to

Exfoliate skin

Last answer by Guy Dawson 8 months ago:
While scrubs can be a great solution for some people, they may be a bit too harsh for those of us with sensitive ...
While scrubs can be a great solution for some people, they may be a bit too harsh ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Compliment a girl over text'
Best Ways to

Compliment a girl over text

Last answer by Harriet Reynolds 2 weeks ago:
Step up the compliment game if the girl you are complimenting is your girlfriend or the girl you are dating. If ...
Step up the compliment game if the girl you are complimenting is your girlfriend ...
Answers: 5
image for topic 'Tan'
Best Ways to


Last answer by Royce Benson 4 months ago:
When you're outside tanning, it can be very tempting to try and stay in one position as long as possible to optimize ...
When you're outside tanning, it can be very tempting to try and stay in one position ...
Answers: 5
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